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Hi @Michael Vogel, My MariaDB looks like this:
MariaDB [friendicadb]> SELECT
-> table_schema as `Database`,
-> table_name AS `Table`,
-> round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB`
-> FROM information_schema.TABLES
-> ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC;
| Database | Table | Size in MB |
| friendicadb | storage | 5304.19 |
| friendicadb | conversation | 3570.67 |
| friendicadb | post-content | 1140.45 |
| friendicadb | post-user | 1027.00 |
| friendicadb | post-thread-user | 519.50 |
| friendicadb | item-uri | 511.39 |
| friendicadb | post-media | 462.81 |
| friendicadb | post-tag | 375.27 |
| friendicadb | apcontact | 345.52 |
| friendicadb | contact | 337.98 |
| friendicadb | post | 239.20 |
| friendicadb | parsed_url | 203.11 |
| friendicadb | photo | 187.59 |
| friendicadb | post-thread | 112.47 |
| friendicadb | inbox-status | 58.14 |
| friendicadb | tag | 37.64 |
| friendicadb | post-history | 34.50 |
| friendicadb | contact-relation | 20.94 |
| friendicadb | endpoint | 19.16 |
| friendicadb | account-user | 12.11 |
| friendicadb | diaspora-interaction | 12.09 |
| friendicadb | post-link | 12.00 |
Looks like you are storing the avatar pictures in the database. You can disable this via the admin setting "Cache contact avatars" in the "Performance" section. This will lead to slower page load, since the avatar pictures then need to be fetched from the remote contacts.

Also you can select this command to check for deprecated tables that aren't in use anymore:
bin/console dbstructure drop

With an additional -e you can then delete these tables, if it looks plausible for you.
Thanks for the hint, @Michael Vogel !!! I did not find the setting in the Web GUI, but in the /friendica/static/settings.config.php, I changed to:
cache_contact_avatar => false,
You need to set this in the frontend. The values in that config file are only used as a default. They are then later stored in the database.
@Michael Vogel I was looking for the settings in the frontend GUI (Settings and Admin section 1 x 1) but cannot find the parameters. Could they be hidden? I'm using the RC version of Friendica..
It's all at /admin/site. Much is in the "Performance" section.
The Server works so far, but going to /admon/site throws an error:
Service Unavailable

unable to create directory /var/www/friendica/view/smarty3/compiled/58/70/d1

Exception thrown in /var/www/friendica/src/Core/Renderer.php:90
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/friendica/src/Module/Admin/Site.php(592): Friendica\Core\Renderer::replaceMacros('file:/var/www/f...', Array)
#1 /var/www/friendica/src/BaseModule.php(250): Friendica\Module\Admin\Site->content(Array)
#2 /var/www/friendica/src/App.php(711): Friendica\BaseModule->run(Object(Friendica\Module\Special\HTTPException), Array)
#3 /var/www/friendica/index.php(55): Friendica\App->runFrontend(Object(Friendica\App\Router), Object(Friendica\Core\PConfig\Type\JitPConfig), Object(Friendica\Security\Authentication), Object(Friendica\App\Page), Object(Friendica\Content\Nav), Object(Friendica\Module\Special\HTTPException), Object(Friendica\Util\HTTPInputData), 1702744026.4542, Array)
#4 {main}

Request: 657dcfda7165b
BTW. Sorry for not using some formatting (e.g., for code), but currently, I'm running from a live Slax on an ancient laptop with an exotic German keyboard.
#1 #2 #4 #3
You will have to fix the permissions in the specified folder.

BTW: i wouldn't call "German" exotic :-D
Worked!!! I created the needed directory and chmod -R to www-data:www-data. Now, my settings should result in regular cleaning of the DB, and I also set the max. image size to 5 MiB. I'll observe the server next few days.
Thanks to @Michael Vogel and the @Friendica Support !!
Well, compared to my daily driver (self-made), configured for Colemak (German, English, and Spanish) and Steno, any standard keyboard is exotic ;-).
Thanks again, @Michael Vogel !
I could not find the setting in the GUI, but in /static/settings.config.php I changed to 'cache_contact_avatar' => false,
Excelent, @MiKlo:~/$💙💛 :
I set 'dbclean' => false, 'dbclean-expire-days' => 14, 'dbclean-expire-unclaimed' => 14, and 'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 14,