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!Friendica Support One of my currently biggest "issues" with Friendica is handling re-sharing posts right. Like: If I use just "native reshare" on the post, behaviour differs according to where a post comes from. Meaning: Resharing Pixelfed or Mastodon posts will only make them visible to the AP crowd. Resharing Diaspora* posts will only make them visible for Diaspora* folks. Same for Tumblr and *cough* Bluesky. So I usually do use quote-sharing for content that matters (to me), which however results in being unable to use random Mastodon API clients (like #phanpy , #rodent , #tusky) for that - as in there, I can only (by now) boost Mastodon posts as far as it seems and I am unable to at least easily do a quote-share of an existing boost. Unfortunately, even though I really _do_ force myself to use Friendica web / Frio all the time, it still leaves some things to be desired especially on mobile devices.
So, wondering: How do you folks handle this? Just use Friendica web and go with its "issues"? Just use whatever "reshare"/"boost" does without not bothering too much about who's able to see the posts? Or not interacting with any people outside the ActivityPub universe at all....?
@Kristian I use friendica in web browsers and if something is important I quote share it.
Yeah, I mostly do that too, but I'm online on "mobile" much more for one, and the other side: I'd like very much to be able to share "non-AP" stuff with the ActivityPub crowd for obvious reasons, especially talking Diaspora*. 🙂
I love that reshare is network specific; likewise I love that quote share sends across all networks.

I only use the web UI though.

@Kristian I try to send to all by quote-share or I just repost the source. I use the Friendica web site. Of course a common strictly implemented protocol would be better. Perhaps somebody should write a client with protocol translating capabilities. I'm quite annoyed by Diaspora. One of the devs claims, they have the best protocol.
Yes, one common strictly implemented protocol would be way better (and in some ways I think Diaspora* actually *does* have quite that, unlike AP which seems to leave too many interesting aspects unaddressed...)
@Kristian Mastodon bashing would fit here... Diaspora is an isolated island. Technically I cannot judge AP and Diaspora protocol but I prefer AP for the greater community and the greater access to news sources. I hope development of AP goes on and the bad influence Mastodon will be minimized. Usual disclaimer: I do not blame the folks in my timeline for their network.
@VegOS Oh well, I don't really like Mastodon bashing all too much, but asides the greater reach, I feel the more disappointed with ActivityPub the deeper I look into the specs and the things left open or unaddressed for reasons beyond my understanding. User consistency is definitely one of them.