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@Friendica Support

I've a feeling this question will embarrass me for my shameful lack of proper grasp of some fediverse basics, but here goes...

  • i have three #Friendica accounts, ie, this & two others. I also have a couple of Mastodon accounts.
  • one of my Friendica accounts [not this one] has been giving me major grief with random server unavailability [its current outage began ~23 hours ago]
  • during the comparatively short life of that account, i've not made anywhere near as many posts as my other accounts, nevertheless i have made a non-trivial number, including participating in various conversations
  • if i were to delete that account [next time that i can access it, ofc] would all those posts & convos still exist in the fediverse, via the federating effect that would/should have occurred, or do they all then just vaporise without trace anywhere?
  • i surmise it's the former, but in case it's the latter i hope for wiser heads to pls advise me before i do the deed.

When an account is deleted, the system tries to delete all posts as well. Though most likely some fragments won't be deleted.
@Michael Vogel How widely does Friendica send the deletions? I think Mastodon sends to all known hosts (and some people have been complaining about the load that generates), does Friendica do that too, or does it notify followers only?

@MsDropbear42 [venera] πŸ¨β™€πŸŒˆπŸ§β€‹πŸ¦˜
I would have to have a deeper look into the code for that. But is is likely that there is room for improvement here.
@Michael Vogel I honestly don't know which way I prefer. Maybe a small server should spam everyone but a megaserver like mastosoc should be more chill so it doesn't destroy smaller servers.

I think it rate-limits itself at least.
@Michael Vogel Hello, thank you for helping. Ah, ok, so my assumption was entirely wrong; glad i asked. In a way, this fact almost acts as a perverse incentive to not close unwanted accounts, but instead to leave them intact albeit idle. I don't think i would wish to do that though, as apart from anything else that represents an undesirable burden on the server & its owner. I'll sleep on it for now, but expect my decision prolly will be to delete, & simply accept the disappearance of associated posts & conversations.