Items tagged with: friendica
[strong]Friendica: Warum kann ich den Sharky Beitrag nicht aufrufen?[/strong]
Hallo Zusammen, ich wollte diesen Sharky Beitrag bei mir in Friendica öffnen indem ich wie gewohnt danach suche. Es geht aber nicht, es kommt immer nur 'no result'. Woran kann das liegen? Der Account selbst lässt sich problemlos öffnen, es gibt dort aber keine Inhalte. Mit einen anderen Account auf einer anderen Friendica Instanz ( geht es problemlos.
#Friendica #Frage #Inhalte #Sharky #Öffnen #Probleme #2025-02-16 !Friendica Support
[strong]Friendica: Animated GIF wird nicht korrekt angezeigt[/strong]
Das Profilbild von @Thunfischer 🐅 (Mastodon) ist ein animiertes GIF bei dem das dargestellte Gesicht hin und wieder mit einen Auge zwinkert. Auf dem Mastodon Profil funktioniert das auch so. Hier auf Friendica hingegen ist das gelegentliche Zwinkern zu einen Dauerzwinkern geworden. Ich kann mir also nur vorstellen das es an Friendica oder am Browser (Firefox) liegt. Den wenn ich das Bild im Browser einzeln aufrufe, hat es auch das nervöse Dauerzwinkern.
Hat einer von Euch eine Idee woran das liegen könnte?
#Frage #Friendica #aGIF #AnimatedGIF #Darstellung #2025-02-14 !Friendica Support
[strong]Friendica: Mehrere Bilder auf einmal hochladen?[/strong]
Hallo Zusammen, ich hatte in Erinnerung das es eine Möglichkeit gäbe mehrere Bilder gleichzeitig hochzuladen. Doch irgendwie finde ich das nicht mehr. Soweit ich mich erinnere ist konnte man die Bilder vom Dateimanager in das Uploadfenster ziehen, jedoch finde ich das irgendwie nicht mehr.
Habe ich da was übersehen?
#Frage #Friendica #Bilder #Upload #2025-02-13 !Friendica Support
All work done by @Kristi H. so huge thanks - this is outstanding 🙏 🚀
#Friendica #Theme #Stylesheet
Hello @Friendica Support
Why when I create a post and embed a video (I upload the video to my friendica storage) I always find it at the bottom of the page? I'll give you an example , I create the post like this
ABCabcAbcABC....I write something..... then I embed some videos from youtube like this,
and finally I insert the hashtags
#friendica #support #etc
I click on preview and everything is perfect , when I click on share, I publish my post, and I find the attachment of the video that I inserted at the end after the hashtags
What kind of formatting should I use? I've tried various combinations, I normally write my posts in Joplin notes, then I copy and paste. But I created this post directly "Create new Post" but nothing changes
original post
#diasporaPoll about polling.
#poll feature test, related to a #friendica post about vote by name polling.
If I get this right, D*'s poll feature can have a max of four questions and multiple choice is not available.
Also notable, in comparison with #mastodon poll's, there is no time limit for the poll.
As mastodon allows editing post's, the poll count is reset if the post text is edited, but not the time span of the poll.
Time span is from 5 minutes up to 7 seven days.
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ wrote:
Important detailfirstfor D* users:
The original post on friendica has already moved to v.0x so it's recommended to visite this link to have an idea if there have beenimportanteupdates, other wise your comments might become out of context or be way behind the time line.
What link mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ?
Look's that there was definitely missing some #mateina in your circuits.
Here is the link to watch the whole thing unraveling in real time and with all eventual text updates in posts and answers, dear #diasporians:
Actually such a link is federated thru out the activityPub federation but not present on D*, so friendicans could consider to add those originating links in a comment if that seems reasonable or important, probably something to have in mind depending on the content.
Right now the post is in v.02
Mayor changes:
* poll's aren't drown in pool's anymore
header wrote:
to appreciate the editing features #friendica brings to the table of this restaurant at the end of the #fediVerse, please visit the originating page of this post.
footer wrote:
If you you don't care about pool's just be brilliantly absent from the ballot box.
Ballot count since v.01 of this post:
Two hundred eighty seven friendicans abstained from the vote because they don't have a Badekapp for the pool option, no votes in favor of poll's and one vote against poll's by the user @Wilhelm.
Which timeout is set for worker process to deliver a message to a server? Is there a possibility to set the value?
Reason: Seems this #Friendica instance has to deliver message to a quite slow server - or better to say - communication is quite slow.
I have to temporarily suspend two #Friendica instances - they are each running on a share hoster and the worker is causing problems - is constantly being killed by the system. There don't seem to be enough resources for #Friendica.
Hello @Friendica Support
What can cause #friendica homepage [strong](My post and conversations)[/strong] to slow down? I set 10 posts per page, some of my posts have 1 or 2 videos embedded, my storage setup is Current [strong]Storage Backend: Filesystem[/strong]
when i click on my home page 🏛️ I notice that my browser takes about 10 seconds to load the post content , sometimes it doesn't even load the Friendica icon , I have to click the refresh button 1 or 2 times,
Before I used to embed videos via #nextcloud, and it worked fine. But then I edited the posts by removing the embedded video from nextcloud and uploading it to friendica and embedding it as an attachment, everything else works very fast . Some suggestions... please
Learning question and a call for action:
Why do people say that the #friendica user interface #UI as seen from a standard laptop desktop, in other words a working station screen, isn't a pleasant experience?
This looks like serious stuff to me, like a #newsPaper outlet similiar to #NYtimes or #ZEIT.
- The page background, seen here on this server as a big center #copyLeftFleur is modifiable.
- The logo kind footer as weel.
- A simple text field for the main header of the page, like in this case [common ground | CC-BY-SA-NC] fits nicely.
Can somebody please #enshittify this #KISS a littel bit, wasting time, attention and selfconfidence of the coder community!
@Jeff Jarvis @Eva Wolfangel @Christian Stöcker @taz @taz @Digitalcourage @Cory Doctorow
all of a sudden my notifier tasks is stuck on the little timer icon, but in the logs it shows done, and I have no errors, im not sure if this a bug, a issue or just a fluke, Friendica 'Interrupted Fern' 2025.02-dev - 1576 what ever is the problem is also preventing my instance/profile from fully federating, I cant get any new posts of my profile in any rss/atom feed reader at all, this just started and I am clueless as to what happened and where to look as there are no errors logged anywhere, and workerqueue shows jobs as done when they are completed, so I am really at a loss, and would like to fix this asap.
here are my current worker settings per admin/site/worker
Maximum load average
Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - default 20.
Minimal memory
Minimal free memory in MB for the worker. Needs access to /proc/meminfo - default 0 (deactivated).
Maximum number of parallel workers
On shared hosters set this to 5. On larger systems, values of 20 are great. Default value is 10.
Maximum load for workers
Maximum load that causes a cooldown before each worker function call.
Enable fast-lane
When enabled, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority.
Decoupled receiver
Decouple incoming ActivityPub posts by processing them in the background via a worker process. Only enable this on fast systems.
Worker defer limit
Per default the systems tries delivering for 15 times before dropping it.
Worker fetch limit
Number of worker tasks that are fetched in a single query. Higher values should increase the performance, too high values will mostly likely decrease it. Only change it, when you know how to measure the performance of your system.
I have dug through every file and the entire database and can not find what is causing this, I can see new posts from other people on other federated instances, I can see my posts, but they are not showing up in my feed reader, indicating they are either not completed tasks or not getting federated, I have been all over this, for hours today and no errors no logs showing any issues at all, yet I clearly have an issue, as you can see the Notifier Task is showing Pending instead of being Checked as done, Help would be greatly appreciated.
I have even tired dropping back to stable, and that still did not work, so I went back to Friendica 'Interrupted Fern' 2025.02-dev - 1576 I really wish I could figure out what is going on, sure would like to have this working as its really my only form of communication with the world
So I updated my php to 8.4.2, but that has not made any difference, and I cant go backwards, as I have something else on the same server that cant go down in versions, I have dug more and more, and have found nothing that is causing this issue, having some kind of idea where to look would be helpful, considering I have done everything imaginable to solve the Notifier Tasks Pending problem of hangging and have yet to find a solution, so I have tried to think outside the box and find a solution that does not include debugging, checking error logs, confirming config files, and assuming the database is correct and healthy, find another way to address this issue, and I am hitting a brick wall.
so now I just did git reset --hard origin/develop, and the problem is still there. :(
I have even created a test user on my instance, and verified it is instance wide.
#friendica #featureRequest
Hi there,
is there a way to change locally the profile picture displayed of a contact?
Haven't seen any option to that regard in the contact page.
I'm asking in part specifically because of the #eyeContact issues some people have. It's about the fact that they have real problems facing full face pictures that kinda "look straight at you", actually a known psychological effect not only in primates.
(Just stare consistently at a dog and you'll see. Well actually better you don't, unless you know what you are doing)
At the same time that's probably not the only reason a avatar could be unwanted for someone. So, optional I could think of or a standard feature that disallows the display of a avatar or a feature that allows to replace the avatar picture with something chosen by the user.
Hi there,
the moment has come to do the first instance upgrade cycle in the life of this instalation to bring this server to the actual stable version 2024.12-1 in the comming days.
In part the idea is to document every step in a post similiar to the howTo instructions:
install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server
in the @EDIT | don't follow! profile.
Right now we are on 2023.05, so we will have to update step by step to:
2023.12 | release notes
2024.03 | release notes
2024.08 | release notes
2024.12-1 | release notes
Are there any specific recomandations or details to have in mind besides the information expected to be found in every update release instruction?
This is basically a single user instance with round about 14 forum pages with few followers each and a total of 18 profiles with contacts in the activityPub and diaspora community and some RSS subscriptions. No other specific conectors are enabled.
Installed addons/apps:
blockbot, calc, impressum, js_upload, notifyall, nsfw, pageheader, phpmailer, qcomment, rendertime, showmore_dyn, startpage
DB backups amount to ~180MiB and the image file storage folder on ftp around ~400MiB.
Friendica stable | 'Giant Rhubarb' 2023.05 - 1518
PHP Version 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14
VPS server | Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
4 Core CPU, 8 GB Ram with 300GB NVME Disk - unlimited traffic
hosted by @ raroun 👍
This instances right now seems to work well.
Sometimes this profile here has some strange hickups like when following up the link of a post from this server in a stream view a message "Not Found |The requested item doesn't exist or has been deleted." Also right now profiles from contacts, for example @ hoergen or @ feb don't show up in the contact list but they are displayed as followed in the profile contact page.
#friendica #fediAdmin
Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server
EDIT - information
This tutorial is supposed to be published by the tutorial profile of this server.It is designed to have several chapters, each being distinctively seperated by an own titel. In total as of now there are like besides this introduction like 6 chapters.
posting and edition time of and by this EDIT profileof ver05 as of now 1hs
mastodon review contact: @mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup
SPOILER - click to open/close || Introduction
This tutorial is an adaption of the tutorial "creating a friendica server - ubuntu" by @Hank G ☑️ based on the experience of the installation report by @…ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ jesuisatire bitPickup:
and specific help by @Raroun.
Server specs and friendica version used:
VPS server | Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
PHP Version 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14
4 Core CPU, 8 GB Ram with 300GB NVME Disk
Friendica [STABLE] | 'Giant Rhubarb' 2023.05 - 1518
SPOILER - click to open/close || Installation environment and HowTo
The only reasonable way to work with a VPSserver on the web is using the console.If you are not familiar with that don't worry, it is easy and the only thing you have to do is being able to copy/paste the commands displayed:
Copy/paste only the codeBoxes like this one
, located outside of the spoilers of this tutorial one after another without altering the sequence!Of course it is necessary to change the specific file names and passwords for you indiviual site, but that's all. promise!
On the console you wont be able to copy/paste with the keyboard ctrl-C/ctrl-V technique, you'll have to use the mouse "right click, chose option" technique.
This tutorial was created on a #debian #linux desktop environment.
There shouldn't be differences if you want to do this from a #windows machine.
The method used for communication between your local computer and the VPS server is called #SSH:
Wikipedia - Secure Shell:
"Cryptographic network protocol for secure data communication, remote shell services or command execution and other secure network services between two networked computers."
#linux #debian #ubuntu #friendica #fediVerse #fediTutorial #tutorial #fediHelp #fediTips #activityPub #HowTo #DIY #VPS #server #selfHosting
Most #fediVerse platforms have profiles on their own platform and/or a #mastodon profile, because that's the kinda standard thought and behavior. But actually to me it looks like the #friendica #communityForum page capabilities exceed by far what mastodon or others have to offer. Well, I haven't digged into the fedi clone of reddit to see if that would be an even better option. What is true tho is that is already long standing and our community has gone a long way, so there is in general terms "no single point of failure" like in other projects that depend on one main figure and that's it.
I consider our helpers community experience here, with all the followers of our helpers page getting resend the help requests posted to the forum, chiming in to help out and solve issues, very positive. So this is a proven setup and could help lot's of other projects out here too. Actually I do think that if implemented and adopted, it even could have a positive feed back loop for friendica itself, but that's like something on another page.
So having already up and running, why not support the fediVerse community opening our doors to those who fulfill certain basic community standards?
This server here ( as well is only mend to be a forum server, and of course it's doors are open for any #fediPlatform that likes to have an own forum page over here, yet somehow to me it look's like is the first natural and ideal candidate for something like that.
Of course same goes for a #fediAdmin, #activityPub or #APIdeveloppers community support forum, if that is desired or useful.
Right now in general terms the fedi lives on using some tags or maybe some addresses, but it's actually us who hold and develop that option for more than a decade now inside the federation itself.
Was that more clarifying
@Friendica Support
[strong]Friendica: Schnelles Umschalten zwischen den Benutzerkonten?[/strong]
Hallo Zusammen. Derzeit muss man ja um zwischen mehreren Konten hin und her zu springen auf [em]Menü[/em] => [em]Nutzerkonten[/em] => Konto auswählen. Gibt es ein AddOn oder so, mit dem ich ein Ausklappmenü erhalte mit dem ich direkt zwischen den Konten umschalten kann? Das würde es wesentlich einfacher mit verschiedenen thematischen Konten zu arbeiten.
Danke für Eure Tipps und Hilfe im Voraus.

#Friendica #Frage #Konten #Benutzerkonten #Umschalten #AddOn #2025-01-26 !Friendica Support
[strong]Friendica: Fehlende Emoticons in der mobilen Version?[/strong]
Ich nutze sowohl die Desktopversion als auch die mobile Version der Friendica Weboberfläche. Nun ist mir schon mehrere Male aufgefallen das in der mobilen Version von Friendica manche Emoticons nicht angezeigt werden. In der Desktopversion sieht es so aus:
Und in der mobilen Version so:
Ich nutze sowohl auf dem Desktop als auch mobil Firefox, daran sollte es also nicht liegen. Die URL des entsprechenden Beitrags ist hier:
Woran kann das liegen?
#Friendica #Frage #Emoticons #Darstellung #Mobil #Desktop #2025-01-25 !Friendica Support
Ruft dazu den Massen-Upload von Bildern auf:
Anschließend muss das Fotoalbum nur noch benannt und alle Bilder per Drag&Drop in das Upload-Feld gezogen werden.
Die Bilder werden nun importiert und stehen anschließend im Fotoalbum zur Verfügung. Dort können die Bilder weiter bearbeitet werden, indem man eine Bildbeschreibung hinzufügt, Tags vergibt oder Bilder löscht, die nur versehentlich in den Upload geraten sind.
Das Schöne ist. All diese Bilder stehen in den Alben zur Verfügung, um einmal oder mehrmals in Beiträgen verwendet zu werden. Deshalb bietet der Editor die Möglichkeit, Bilder aus den Alben zu übernehmen. Die Textbeschreibungen werden dabei 1:1 übernommen.
Took a look at your #friendica bookface theme and I am in love. It eradicates so many issues I had with the current frio default theme that I was wondering, are you planning to create a PR for this to be included in default friendica?
@Friendica Support
FYI #fediverse
CREATE TABLE blocklist (
domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
UPDATE `gserver` SET `blocked` = TRUE WHERE `url` LIKE '';
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `parameter` LIKE '';
CREATE TRIGGER before_insert_workerqueue
BEFORE INSERT ON `workerqueue`
IF NEW.parameter LIKE '' THEN
SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Insert of is not allowed';
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `done` = 1;
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `done` = 0;
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} activitypub-troll\.cf
[NC]RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} activitypub-troll\.cf
[NC]RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} activitypub-troll\.cf
[NC]RewriteRule .* -
FYI #fediverse
CREATE TABLE blocklist (
domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
UPDATE `gserver` SET `blocked` = TRUE WHERE `url` LIKE '';
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `parameter` LIKE '';
CREATE TRIGGER before_insert_workerqueue
BEFORE INSERT ON `workerqueue`
IF NEW.parameter LIKE '' THEN
SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Insert of is not allowed';
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `done` = 1;
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `done` = 0;
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} activitypub-troll\.cf
[NC]RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} activitypub-troll\.cf
[NC]RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} activitypub-troll\.cf
[NC]RewriteRule .* -
FYI #fediverse
CREATE TABLE blocklist (
domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
UPDATE `gserver` SET `blocked` = TRUE WHERE `url` LIKE '';
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `parameter` LIKE '';
CREATE TRIGGER before_insert_workerqueue
BEFORE INSERT ON `workerqueue`
IF NEW.parameter LIKE '' THEN
SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Insert of is not allowed';
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `done` = 1;
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `done` = 0;
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} activitypub-troll\.cf
[NC]RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} activitypub-troll\.cf
[NC]RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} activitypub-troll\.cf
[NC]RewriteRule .* -
FYI #fediverse
CREATE TABLE blocklist (
domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
UPDATE `gserver` SET `blocked` = TRUE WHERE `url` LIKE '';
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `parameter` LIKE '';
CREATE TRIGGER before_insert_workerqueue
BEFORE INSERT ON `workerqueue`
IF NEW.parameter LIKE '' THEN
SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Insert of is not allowed';
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `done` = 1;
DELETE FROM `workerqueue` WHERE `done` = 0;
Hi there,
testing around with the software #castopod, developed by @Castopod :podcasting2: .
In general terms federation with #friendica works, even integration into public forum pages and reshare by those when the castopod profile is followed by the forum page in the first place, as tested with the forum page @podCasts. As of now following from castopod profiles apparently isn't implemented. Also as of now we didn't manage to get the cron job to work at that new instalation on a shared hosting.
What is strange is that a podcast episode publication doesn't embeed the audio player so it can't be reproduced inside the post shown over here on friendica. On mastodon this works, the post displayes a video like screen and reproduces the audio file.
Not sure if this is a specific issue of this friendica instance as it is stil 2023.05 or if this is something the latest versions experience to.
The uploaded audio file was in the format m4a.
This is the link to the original post:
Link to a mastodon instance where the post can be seen:
Link to this site here where the audio is not displayed but only a link:
Profile pic looks blurry
!Friendica Support
[strong]Weis jemand was mit los ist[/strong]
Hallo Zusammen, weiß jemand von Euch was mit dem Friendica Server auf los ist? Ich kann die Seite nicht mehr aufrufen, bekomme nur noch einen 404er Fehler.
Leider weiß ich nicht wie ich @Tuxi ⁂ der den Server betreibt erreichen kann, deshalb frage ich einfach mal in die Runde.
#Frage #Fediverse #Friendica #404er #2025-01-19 @Friendica Support @Friendica Admins @askFedi_de group
[strong]Friendica: Sprachen werden nicht übernommen?[/strong]
Man kann ja unter 'Einstellungen => Ansicht => Kanäle' definieren welche Sprachen die in den Kanälen angezeigten Beiträge haben sollen. Genauso wie in den selbst definierten Kanälen auch. Nun ist mir aber aufgefallen das diese Einstellung offenbar nicht übernommen wird. Den ich klicke auf den Button 'Einstellungen speichern' und wenn ich die Einstellungen dann noch mal aufrufe, ist meine Auswahl für die Sprachen weg. Ist das ein Bug oder verstehe ich da was falsch?
#Friendica #Frage #Kanäle #Sprachen #Einstellungen #Bug #Fehler #2025-01-17 !Friendica Support
[strong]Friendica: Wegen X abgerufen?[/strong]
Ich habe hier auf meiner noch recht neuen Installation recht häufig Beiträge bei welchen als Herkunft wegen X abgerufen. X ist dabei ein Kontakt mit welchen ich verbunden bin und der den betreffenden Beitrag Kommentiert, möglicherweise auch geliked oder Weitergesagt hat. Das ist aber für mich nicht Sinn der Sache, zumal das meinen Stream/TL sehr voll macht und dazu führt das ich z. T. Beiträge die ich wichtig finde übersehe. Also wie kann ich das abstellen?
#Friendica #Frage #Hilfe #Beiträge #Timeline #Stream #2025-01-16 !Friendica Support
Friendica event participants counter
Hi! I just discovered the event participant feature where people can mark their attendance which will then be shown in a counter at the original post.
Has this been introduced in 2024-12 or have I just not seen it before? Anyhow. It is a great feature and I like it a lot!
#Friendica #Events #calendar
[strong]Friendica: Interessant, seit ich das Hosting einer eigenen Friendica Instanz gebucht habe, habe ich lauter Menschen bzw. Beiträge in der TL/Stream die ich vorher nicht hatte.[/strong]
Natürlich neben denen die ich bisher hatte. Das ist zwar ein wenig viel, aber ich bekomme das schon noch in den Griff.

#Friendica #Hosting #Beiträge #Überlaufen #2025-01-15 @Friendica Support
An other problem with
Friendica 'Interrupted Fern' 2025.02-dev - 1576
PHP 8.1.29
on an other installation of #Friendica
Avatars of other accounts are blurred
Are These Accounts Monitored ???
VersionFriendica 'Interrupted Fern' 2025.02-dev - 1576
Server Settings
version 8.1.31
php.ini /opt/alt/php81/etc/php.ini
upload_max_filesize 256M
post_max_size 256M
memory_limit 512M
MySQL / MariaDB
max_allowed_packet 268435456
I am not seeing much engagement, more so I am not seeing posts of those I follow across the fediveres, and I know several post a few times a day, but I am not seeing much activity at all, any ideas on what may be going on would be great, and please any directions please make very simple to understand, brain issues, sometimes I struggle grasping things that should be easy. If it matters, I am in cPanel on shared hosting, so not root access to anything.
Friendica auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren
Nicht nur für mich als kleine Gedankenstütze halte ich hier auf meinem Blog fest, wie ich es endlich geschafft habe, Friendica auf dem Raspberry Pi zu installieren. Nun bin ich selbst überhaupt kein Experte in solchen Dingen, man möge es mir nachsehen, falls ich einen Fehler gemacht oder etwas doppelt geschrieben habe. Ich bin auch noch nicht so lange im Fediverse unterwegs und bei Linux […]
#Debian #Fediverse #Friendica #Linux #PHP #Raspberry
Friendica auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren -
Friendica auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren: Eine einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, um das Fediverse auf dem kleinen Rechner zu nutzen.Jools (Blog:Zwo)
Ich versuche gerade die #Fediverse Anwendung #Friendica auf meinem #Raspberry Pi 5 in einem #Podman #Container zu installieren. Aber bei der Datenbank ist Schluss. da bleibt es hängen. Weiß jemand Rat? @Friendica Support zum Beispiel?
version: "3.7"
restart: always
- mydb:/var/lib/mysql
- "6033:3306"
MYSQL_USER: friendica
container_name: phpmyadmin_9092
restart: always
- "9092:80"
- PMA_HOST=mariadb
- mariadb
container_name: friendica_9093
restart: always
- friendica:/var/www/html
- "9093:80"
- MYSQL_USER=friendica
- MYSQL_DATABASE=friendica
- mariadb