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@Friendica Support

Hello. There is a certain "network weirdness" that irregularly afflicts my use of #Friendica in my browser. Most of the time this misbehaviour does not occur, but each time it does arise, i can never identify its cause, nor even any consistent pattern of other symptoms that might lead to uncovering its root cause. I also don't know if there's some esoteric setting in my Friendica account's Settings doing this, that i might have overlooked.

See the pic for a quick simple visual display of the symptom.

Pls does anyone have any ideas my Friendica does this?

Pic shows my desktop #Conky for network activity, with random bouts of my full available download & upload capacity consumed by my Friendica browser tab. Pic shows some breaks wherein both UL & DL revert to their normal "background noise" levels, & these occurred when i reloaded the tab, &/or when i closed the browser. Note that "background noise" levels are the norm for this tab; the weird activity is a small minority of the overall browsing time measured over months & years, nevertheless this problem still arises far too often for my liking.
Looks like your machine may be infected with crypto-mining malware. I strongly suggest installing and scanning with Malware Bytes, also Kaspersky seems fairly good at locating crap like this though I would not leave it running in the background as it eats too many resources and fucks up too many things. Between the two I've had very good success at rooting out malware, though the best thing is not to use Windows.
I guess that it is too early, but I don't understand your problem. Can you be slightly more verbose?
@Michael Vogel Compare my network activity pic in my OP [when the problem is active] with this new pic [when the problem is not present].

I cannot understand why occasionally my Friendica tab in my browserS [more than one] sometimes begin, & continue, uploading & downloading, using my full allowance in my ISP plan, when within my actual Friendica Network timeline nothing important is happening [ie, i am not streaming some media from someone's post, nor am i trying to manually upload anything. "Something" about Friendica does this. Comparison; my Mastodon tab never ever does this, & no other tab does this. It's unique to when my Friendica tab is active [but only sometimes, not always].
@MsDropbear42 [venera] ๐Ÿจโ™€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿงโ€‹๐Ÿฆ˜ @Michael Vogel maybe you can see something with the browser developer tools. ( Rightclick --> inspect) I believe there is a network tab ( or similar) where you can try to find out what is happening