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@Friendica Support One of the distinct disadvantages, afaict, with the #Friendica web UI [ie, using a browser] compared to Mastodon, is the inability to see / access / use the Compose Post box unless one is scrolled to the top of the timeline. In Masto, with both its default & #AdvancedWebInterface UI views, the Compose box is always visible, hence available, regardless of any other timeline status. Tbh i find this restriction really frustrating in F.

For various reasons in F i prefer the Vier UI display option over Frio, but afaict my objection pertains to both.

Is there possibly some option buried in Settings that i might have missed, which when enabled makes the Compose Post box available any time, eg, from a top bar link as a popup modal?

Is there some AddOn for this that Friendica server owners could install that remedies this problem?
In absence of anything better, my inefficient workaround is to open a second tab of my F account, in which i then access the box to compose & send my impromptu post, without disturbing my position in my scrolled timeline in the original tab [eg, first thing each morning i scroll down & review all new posts since yesterday, but often think of something i want to say or ask that's not tied to any individual post i might be contemporaneously reading atm, six hours down my timeline].
In Frio there is a button in the top bar to open the compose window.
@Michael Vogel Thank you for replying! :hugging face:

Yes i remember it, ta, but what i don't remember atm [& it's not convenient for me atm to change back to Frio from Vier to see for myself, coz doing so would again bugger my timeline position] doesn't that button scroll off the top of the page as one scrolls down the timeline?

Presumably i'm wrong about that as logically you'd not otherwise have mentioned it. Unfortunately for me, IMO the Frio UI is utterly chaotic & cognitively stressful to use, compared to Vier, so i feel my choice of options is severely constrained here.

Is a change to the Vier source code even a remote possibility, to provide a comparable always-available Compose box or modal?
@Michael Vogel I've now toggled back to Frio, & yes i was wrong to state...
button scroll off the top of the page as one scrolls down the timeline

...coz no it does not vanish, it does indeed stay put with timeline-scrolling. However, now that i am back in Frio i have rediscovered asn associated usability hassle wrt the Compose box availability [also applies to Vier]. That Compose box [& for the case of Frio, also the button] is only present in some of the views, not all. Eg, to compose this reply i seem to have left the Network timeline, & am instead in the Display timeline, where there is no button atop the page. Again i mention that by comparison, in Masto, users do not lose sight of & access to the Compose box. It's a pity.
Sadly, there is no remembering timeline position feature currently in friendica webui. The open feature request for that is

The lack of this feature is, why I mostly read my friendica timeline on Android with @Pachli client which indeed supports remembering the reading position.

In Frio > Settings > Display > Custom Theme Settings has a checkbox option to Always open Compose page.

Can you specify what exactely you dislike about Frio UI? Statements like "utterly chaotic" are not helpful when trying to learn what to improve.

I agree the different buttons (New post / Mention) are confusing and unexpected. I personally think I'd prefer to always see a New Post button, since for replies I can always click / tap the reply icon. And then there is locations which do not show a button at all.

Would be great if you could write down all occasions with the current and desired state and file this as feature request on GitHub.
As a friendica, Hubzilla, and Mastodon hoster, and user, I do not understand your preference for a postbox to be accessible when you are not in post mode.