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Hey !Friendica Support,

Does Friendica not support uploading audio? Tried uploading an MP3 but both times I couldn't find the uploaded file in the posting interface.

I'm also using Windows and noticed I had to select all file types to find my MP3 to upload. So maybe Friendica doesn't disallow non-images but the file selection makes it seem like it might.

@Nolan Darilek
Afaik it's not possible to upload anything but images and even these are limited in format
@Friendica Support
@Nolan Darilek you cannot upload it afaik, but you can embedd it with the [audio][/audio] tag.
The way I dealt with it is to create (not using the Friendica web UI) a subdirectory at the root of my site named "local-uploads" and put my audio and video files there, ready to use in the audio/video bbcode tags. Do make sure you have directory listing turned off if you do that, or create a blank index.html or something to prevent directory listing (unless you particularly want all your AV files browsable of course).
> a subdirectory at the root of my site named

Same here.
Actually from there I went to create a subdomain "media" with folders for different file types and a simple html page that contains links so I can find my files .. and it simply works!
Ok, that only works for people who do self hosting in some way. Actually I used my shared hosting provider for this.
Unlimited storage is quite common now a days:
@Pippin I would be cool if #Friendica would also support an upload form for the audio tag.
There is an open feature request to add video audio file upload:

You may want to add your voice to that feature request and show you are affected by this by adding your thumbs up to the issue.

Generally you can always search open issues at if you are missing a feature or wondering about functionality misbehaving.