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Hello !Friendica Support, hello developers.

Can we shuffle the reply, reshare, like and dislike buttons again, I don't like the current outcome.


I don't really understand the excitement. On the one hand, Friendica's UI is to be improved to make it more attractive to other user groups. Now there's a storm in a teacup because old users have to reorient themselves a little.

The harmonisation of the interaction bar with a standard for comparable applications is an improvement that users quickly get used to.
@Matthias ✔ classic "the dev knows better than you how you like it" response... mh ;)
@hackbyte (friendica) In this case, the developer is also a user and has my full support for this change. It was time to change the order.
@hackbyte (friendica) @Matthias ✔ mir ists echt egal, ich hab irgendwo geschrieben ich hielt es für ein Versehen.

Aber vielleicht ist das ein guter Grund mit der Anpassung.