Items tagged with: society
Why Are Thin People Not Fat?
YEAR: 2009 | LENGTH: 1 part (60 minutes) | SOURCE: BBC
The world is affected by an obesity epidemic, but why is it that not everyone is succumbing? Medical science has been obsessed with this subject and is coming up with some unexpected answers. As it turns out, it is not all about exercise and diet.
At the center of this programme is a controversial overeating experiment that aims to identify exactly what it is about some people that makes it hard for them to bulk up.
#culture #health #medicine #society
Trust Me I’m a Doctor
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2013-2019 | LENGTH: 9 seasons, 36 episodes (~30 minutes each) | SOURCE: BBC description: Going behind …VideoNeat
Paradise or Oblivion
YEAR: 2012 | LENGTH: 1 part (50 minutes) | SOURCE: WEBSITE
This documentary details the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. This video presentation advocates a new socio-economic system, which is updated to present-day knowledge, featuring the life-long work of Social Engineer, Futurist, Inventor and Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco, which he calls a Resource-Based Economy.
The film details the need to outgrow the dated and inefficient methods of politics, law, business, or any other “establishment” notions of human affairs, and use the methods of science, combined with high technology, to provide for the needs of all the world’s people. It is not based on the opinions of the political and financial elite or on illusionary so-called democracies, but on maintaining a dynamic equilibrium with the planet that could ultimately provide abundance for all people.
Paradise or Oblivion, by The Venus Project, introduces the viewer to a more appropriate value system that would be required to enable this caring and holistic approach to benefit human civilization. This alternative surpasses the need for a monetary-based, controlled, and scarcity-oriented environment, which we find ourselves in today.
#behavior #future #humanBehavior #psychology #resourceBasedEconomy #society
Watch our Documentaries | The Venus Project
The Venus Project offers information about their aims and proposals through a series of documentaries. Learn about a global Resource Based Economy.The Venus Project
Everything is a Remix
YEAR: 2011 | LENGTH: 1 part (43 minutes) | SOURCE: WEBSITE
Remixing is a folk art but the techniques are the same ones used at any level of creation: copy, transform, and combine. You could even say that everything is a remix.
#copyright #culture #society
Everything is a Remix
Watch the legendary series that reveals how creativity happens. Raise your creative game with tools, techniques and inspiration.Loop Media
Is Alcohol worse than Ecstasy?
YEAR: 2008 | LENGTH: 1 part (50 minutes) | SOURCE: BBC
Recent research has analysed the link between the harmful effects of drugs relative to their current classification by law with some startling conclusions. Perhaps most startling of all is that alcohol, solvents and tobacco (all unclassified drugs) are rated more dangerous than ecstasy, 4-MTA and LSD (all class A drugs). If the current ABC system is retained, alcohol would be rated a class A drug and tobacco class B.
The scientists involved, including members of the government’s top advisory committee on drug classification, have produced a rigorous assessment of the social and individual harm caused by 20 of the UK’s most dangerous drugs and believe this should form the basis of future ranking. They think the current ABC system is arbitrary and not based on any scientific evidence.
The drug policies have remained unchanged over the last 40 years so should they be reformed in the light of new research?
#culture #health #society #weed
BBC - Horizon - Is alcohol worse than ecstasy?
Details about this Horizon programme, broadcast in
Drinking Yourself to Death
YEAR: 2007 | LENGTH: 1 part (46 minutes) | SOURCE: CHANNEL4
Britain is a nation under the influence. The Government has just announced that over seven million people are risking their health by drinking too much and revealed their strategy for tackling the “English drinking culture”. This documentary examines how successful this approach will be, investigating the new drinking patterns in the UK, which involve far more alcohol being drunk at home, and the recent lobbying activities of the alcohol industry.
Reporter Deborah Davies investigates the switch in alcohol consumption from pubs to homes, examining the pricing of alcohol in supermarkets versus pubs, the huge increase in wine purchases and the emergence of pre-loading: drinking at home before heading out for an evening.
Dispatches investigates the medical profession’s warnings of a liver disease time bomb by organising a unique experiment, using cutting-edge technology not yet available on the NHS to test the health of people’s livers in London and Birmingham. In all, 70 passers-by take up the opportunity to have the test, with shocking results that suggest the incidence of liver disease is even higher than doctors had feared
#culture #health #monetarySystem #society
"Dispatches" Drinking Yourself to Death (TV Episode 2007) ⭐ 5.8 | Documentary, News
Drinking Yourself to Death: Directed by Charlie Hawes. With Deborah Davies, Peter Anderson, Jeremy Beadles, Peter Bottomley.IMDb
The Yes Men Fix the World
YEAR: 2009 | LENGTH: 1 part (95 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA
The Yes Men Fix the World is a 2009 English language documentary film about the culture jamming exploits of The Yes Men. The film premiered in New York City and Los Angeles on October 23, 2009 and in other U.S. cities beginning on October 30. Due to the movie being sued by United States Chamber of Commerce, a special edition of the movie is distributed through bittorrent through VODO and other prominent torrent sites like The Pirate Bay and EZTV.
The film documents the following projects: US Chamber of Commerce and climate change, Dow Chemical and Bhopal
ExxonMobil Vivoleum, Halliburton Survivaball, HUD and post-Katrina public housing, New York Times hopeful future edition.
#activism #corruption #funny #society
The Yes Men
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2003 | LENGTH: 1 part (82 minutes) | SOURCE: WKIPEDIA description: The Yes Men are a …VideoNeat
The Perfect Vagina
YEAR: 2008 | LENGTH: 1 part (50 minutes) | SOURCE: DOCUWIKI
What began as a wander through the wacky world of genital plastic surgery became a passionate documentary about modern femininity.
It’s the ultimate sales pitch – complete bullshit’ … Lisa Rogers, presenter of Channel 4’s The Perfect Vagina :
” If you’d told me three months ago that I’d let a plastic surgeon examine my froufrou, that I’d show it to another woman (who wasn’t a doctor) and then allow an artist to take a cast of my Mary, I’d have laughed you out of the house. But it’s extraordinary how documentary-making changes your mind about even the most concrete of things (I’m not saying my fanny is concrete – that would just be weird).
When Channel 4 approached me to make this documentary, entitled The Perfect Vagina, to investigate why vaginal plastic surgery is the fastest-growing cosmetic procedure in this country, my reaction was sceptical. So the next time I was at my GP’s (about something entirely unrelated – my toddler’s rash, probably), I enquired whether she ever had female patients coming to her expressing concerns about how they looked “downstairs”. Bear in mind I live in rural Wales, not in some metropolis that might house exotic dancers and porn stars.
My GP, the lovely Dr Christmas, amazed me with her response. She told me she has 14, 15 and 16-year-old girls in her surgery, wracked with embarrassment and fear, worried that their genitalia is somehow disfigured or malformed. When she finally persuades them to undress and to let her have a look, they’re virtually always absolutely fine. And this is a phenomenon that’s only really taken hold in the last five years.
That was it. I was on a mission to assure young women that their bits were fine as they were, and not to start chopping them about because they didn’t look like porn models, or because of some ill-informed, insensitive comment by an ignorant boy (or girl). I was on a quest to get my gender to question their insecurities, and see if I could find alternatives to surgery.
The journey I embarked upon was extraordinary. I found myself having an imaginary conversation with my own vagina, in the company of a holistic sex therapist. I discussed whether my clitoral hood was too big with a plastic surgeon. I held the hand of a 22-year-old as she screamed in pain whilst having the stitches taken out of her labia, and I discovered a 19-year-old who had considered re-stitching her own hymen, so desperate was she to appear a virgin on her wedding night. What had started as a something funny had ended up somewhere far more serious.
I have come to the conclusion that we desperately need to talk about these issues, and that the secrecy that surrounds the vagina is the breeding ground for the insecurity that accompanies it. Even saying the word “vagina” was difficult at the start of the process, and now I’m looking for a universally recognised euphemism for it. As Dr Christmas says, every little boy calls his willy his willy. There isn’t a similarly recognisable term for the vulva, because actually the vagina is the passage inside, and the word means “somewhere to sheathe your sword”! Yes, even the word means our sexual organs only exist in relation to a man. How depressing is that?
I don’t want to come out of this as some militant man-hater, in fact I really don’t think men are the problem. It’s consumer society’s use of the perfect image to sell us everything. “If your boobs are perky and big you’ll be happy, if your hair is long and blonde you’ll be cool, if your vulva is small and pink you’ll be attractive.” It’s the ultimate sales pitch – complete bullshit, but as a society, we’ve fallen for it. Stupid us.
The last word has to go to my father, the wise oracle on all things (and a Welsh dairy farmer). “The thing is, Lis,” he said, “if you’ve got a house you want to do up for a prospective buyer, you don’t start by decorating the cellar.”
#culture #health #sex #sexuality #society
The Perfect Vagina (trailer) -
A trade-free video hosting platform for science/technology/nature videos in the English language. You do not have to trade your currency, data, attention, freedom or anything else, in order to use
About Modern Servitude
YEAR: 2009 | LENGTH: 1 part (52 minutes) | SOURCE: WEBSITE
On Modern Servitude is a book and independent documentary film 52 minutes in length; the book (and the DVD contained within) is available for free at select independent distributors in France and Latin America. The text was written in Jamaica in October 2007 and the documentary was completed in Colombia in May 2009. It is available in French, English, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, and Italian. The film is composed of imagery appropriated primarily from commercial movies and documentaries.
The central objective of this film is to reveal man’s condition as a modern slave within the context of the totalitarian mercantile system and to show the forms of mystification which mask his servile condition. Its aim is to attack head on the dominant world organization.
In the vast field of battle of the worldwide civil war, language is often employed as a weapon. The true nature of things has been purposefully distorted through the misuse of language; words are assigned to distort meaning, we must call things by their names and rectify the fraud, restore the truth. The so called Liberal Democracy is a myth, the dominant world organization is neither democratic nor liberal. It is paramount that the myth of Liberal Democracy be corrected and replaced with its true representation as a Totalitarian Mercantile System. We must propagate this new appellation with the aim of awakening the people to the reality of their present domination.
Some hope to herein find solutions or readymade answers, a kind of a treatise on “How to make a revolution?” This is not the aim of this film. Its purpose is to offer an accurate critique of the society we must combat. This film is above all a militant tool whose purpose is to inspire the greatest number of people to question themselves and to spread this criticism to where it has had no access. We do not need a guru to instruct us on how to act. The freedom to act must be our defining principle. Those who wish to remain as slaves sit by in anticipation of the coming of the providential man or of a guide, that once followed to the letter will bestow upon them freedom. One has witnessed such works and such men throughout the entire history of the 20th century, who have set out to embody the revolutionary avant-guard and to conduct the proletariat towards freedom from their condition. The nightmarish results speak for themselves.
Moreover, we condem all religions in that they generate the illusions which lure us into accepting our sordid condition and because they lie and speak nonsense about nearly everything. However, we condem in equal measure the stigmatization of any religion in particular. Those who subscribe to the ideas of a Zionist plot or the Islamic peril are but poor fools who mistake radical criticism with hate and disdain. They produce only muck. If some amongst them (any in their ranks) call themselves revolutionaries it is rather in the spirit of the “nationalist revolutions” of the 1930’s and 40’s than in the revolution of liberation to which we aspire. The need for a scapegoat is as old as civilization, and is none but the product of the frustrations of those who seek facile answers to the evil that burdens/afflicts us. Here there can be no ambiguity as to the nature of our battle. We favor the emancipation of all of mankind, without any form of discrimination(exception). All for all is the essence of the revolutionary doctrine platform to which we adhere.
The sources which have inspired my work and my life in general are explicit in the film: Diogène de Sinoppe, Étienne de La Boétie, Karl Marx et Guy Debord. I make no secret of it nor do i pretend to have invented the wheel. AcknowledgeRecognize the merit to make use of them to clarify. Those who find fault with this work in that it be insufficiently revolutionary or exceedingly radical or even pessimistic have only to propose their own vision for the world in which we all live. The more numerous we are in diffusing these ideas the more likely is radical change to emerge.
The economic, social and political crisis has revealed the evident failure of the totalitarian mercantile system. A flank has been exposed. A door has been opened. It is time to seize the advantage, strategically and without fear. We must, however, act quickly. The machinery of power(authorities), aware of the radicalization of dissent, have prepared an incommensurable preventive strike, the likes of which we have not yet seen. The urgency of the moment demands for unity over division, that which binds us is far greater than that which divides us. It is always very comfortable to critisize the organizations, individuals or groups who claimstewardship ownership of the social revolution. In reality however, these criticisms contribute to a generalized paralysis which tends to convince us that nothing is possible. We must not mistake our enemy. We must not to fight the wrong enemy.Xxxxx The traditional in-fighting of the revolutionary camp must give way to unity of action of all our forces. Doubt everything, even doubt.
The text and the film are in the public domain, they can be copied, distributed, and broadcast freely. They are completely free of charge and under no circumstance shall they be sold or commercialized in any way. It would be incoherent, to say the least, to propose selling an object whose objective it is to decry the omnipresence of merchandise the market. The offensive strike struggle against private property, intellectual or other, is our strength asset against the present domination. a force equipped to deal a quick offensive or retaliatory blow.
This film, which is distributed outside all commercial and legal channels, could not exist but for the support of those who organize its broadcast and transmission/projection. It does not belong to us, it belongs to those who wish to cast it into the fire of combat.
#culture #monetarySystem #money #slavery #society
About Modern Servitude (trailer) -
A trade-free video hosting platform for science/technology/nature videos in the English language. You do not have to trade your currency, data, attention, freedom or anything else, in order to use
Zeitgeist Addendum
YEAR: 2008 | LENGTH: 1 part (120 minutes) | SOURCE: WEBSITE
Zeitgeist: Addendum, 2008, was born out of public interest in possible solutions to the cultural issues presented in Peter Joseph’s first work, Zeitgeist: The Movie. Building upon the topics of social distortion and corruption, Addendum moves to also present possible solutions.
Featured in the work is former “Economic Hit-man” and New York Times bestselling author, John Perkins, along with The Venus Project, an organization for social redesign created by Social Engeneer and Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco.
Zeitgeist: Addendum was premiered at the 5th Annual Artivist’s Film Festival and given its highest award in 2008.
“Director Peter Joseph demonstrates the ability to take risky subject matter and turn it into a visually, emotionally, and intellectually compelling case for a greater point of view,” states Diaky Diaz. “Millions of people gravitated toward Peter’s first film. We are excited that this year’s Artivist Film Festival will provide a platform to once again, pique the curiosity of millions of viewers and continue the dialogue about topics concerning Americans and citizens worldwide.”
It was released online for free on Oct. 3rd 2008 and since then it has been estimated to have been downloaded over 70 million times. As with the previous release – non-commercial, open distribution is allowed/encouraged. This work can be freely screened, shared, uploaded, downloaded in both compressed and DVD form ( via torrents ) without restriction – as long as no money is exchanged.
Zeitgeist Moving Forward
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2011 | LENGTH: 1 part (180 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: The film is arranged into …VideoNeat
The Yes Men
YEAR: 2003 | LENGTH: 1 part (82 minutes) | SOURCE: WKIPEDIA
The Yes Men are a culture jamming activist duo and network of supporters created by Jacques Servin and Igor Vamos. Through actions of tactical media, the Yes Men primarily aim to raise awareness about what they consider problematic social issues. To date, the duo has produced two films: The Yes Men (2003) and The Yes Men Fix the World (2009).[1] In these films, they impersonate entities that they dislike, a practice that they call “identity correction”. The Yes Men operate under the mission statement of telling the truth and exposing lies.
They create and maintain fake websites similar to ones they intend to spoof, which have led to numerous interview, conference, and TV talk show invitations. They espouse the belief that corporations and governmental organizations often act in dehumanizing ways toward the public. Elaborate props are sometimes part of the ruse (e.g. Survivaball), as shown in their 2003 DVD release The Yes Men. The Yes Men have collaborated with other groups of similar interest, including Improv Everywhere and Steve Lambert.
#activism #corruption #funny #society
The Merchants of Cool
YEAR: 2001 | LENGTH: 1 part (60 minutes) | SOURCE: PBS
They spend their days sifting through reams of market research data. They conduct endless surveys and focus groups. They comb the streets, the schools, and the malls, hot on the trail of the “next big thing” that will snare the attention of their prey–a market segment worth an estimated $150 billion a year.
They are the merchants of cool: creators and sellers of popular culture who have made teenagers the hottest consumer demographic in America. But are they simply reflecting teen desires or have they begun to manufacture those desires in a bid to secure this lucrative market? And have they gone too far in their attempts to reach the hearts–and wallets–of America’s youth?
FRONTLINE correspondent Douglas Rushkoff examines the tactics, techniques, and cultural ramifications of these marketing moguls in “The Merchants of Cool.” Produced by Barak Goodman and Rachel Dretzin, the program talks with top marketers, media executives and cultural/media critics, and explores the symbiotic relationship between the media and today’s teens, as each looks to the other for their identity.
Teenagers are the hottest consumer demographic in America. At 33 million strong, they comprise the largest generation of teens America has ever seen–larger, even, than the much-ballyhooed Baby Boom generation. Last year, America’s teens spent $100 billion, while influencing their parents’ spending to the tune of another $50 billion.
But marketing to teens isn’t as easy as it sounds. Marketers have to find a way to seem real: true to the lives and attitudes of teenagers; in short, to become cool themselves. To that end, they search out the next cool thing and have adopted an almost anthropological approach to studying teens and analyzing their every move as if they were animals in the wild.
Take MTV. Long considered to be the arbiter of teen cool, the late 1990s saw MTV’s ratings on the wane. To counter the slide, MTV embarked on a major teen research campaign, the hallmark of which was its “ethnography study”– visiting teens’ homes to view first hand their lives, interests and ask some quite personal questions.
But what lessons do MTV and other companies draw from this exhaustive and expensive study of teenagers’ lives? Does it result in a more nuanced portrait of the American teen? In “The Merchants of Cool,” FRONTLINE introduces viewers to the “mook” and the “midriff” — the stock characters that MTV and others have resorted to in order to hook the teen consumer.
The “midriff”–the character pitched at teenage girls, is the highly-sexualized, world-weary sophisticate that increasingly populates television shows such as Dawson’s Creek and films such as Cruel Intentions. Even more appealing to marketers is the “midriff’s” male counterpart, the “mook.” Characterized mainly by his infantile, boorish behavior, the “mook” is a perpetual adolescent: crude, misogynistic–and very, very, angry.
But also very lucrative. To appeal to the “mook,” MTV has created programs such as Spring Break — a televised version of teen beach debauchery–as well as a weekly program capitalizing on the current wrestling craze.
“What this system does is it closely studies the young, keeps them under constant surveillance to figure out what will push their buttons,” says media critic Mark Crispin Miller. “And it blares it back at them relentlessly and everywhere.”
Of course, there is resistance to the commercial machine. FRONTLINE takes viewers to downtown Detroit, where media analyst Rushkoff speaks with teens at a concert by the Detroit-based Insane Clown Posse, purveyors of a genre of music that’s become known as “rage rock.” When asked to describe what appeals to them about such music, the teens invariably respond that it belongs to them; it hasn’t yet been taken and sold back to them at the mall. Full of profanity, violence, and misogyny, rage rock is literally a challenge thrown up to marketers: just try to market this!
But marketers have accepted the challenge: rage rock is now big business. Not only has Insane Clown Posse become mainstream, but much bigger acts like Eminem and Limp Bizkit are breaking sales records and winning industry accolades in the form of Grammy nominations and other mainstream music awards.
In “The Merchants of Cool,” correspondent Rushkoff details how MTV and other huge commercial outlets orchestrated the rise of Limp Bizkit–despite the group’s objectionable lyrics–and then relentlessly promoted them on-air.
But in doing so, critics ask, is MTV truly reflecting the desires of today’s teenagers, or are they stoking a cultural infatuation with music and imagery that glorifies violence and sex as well as antisocial behavior and attitudes?
In today’s media-saturated environment, such questions, it seems, are becoming increasingly difficult to answer.
“It’s one enclosed feedback loop,” Rushkoff says. “Kids’ culture and media culture are now one and the same, and it becomes impossible to tell which came first–the anger or the marketing of the anger.”
Therein lies the danger of today’s teen-driven economy, observers say: As everyone from record promoters to TV executives to movie producers besieges today’s teens with pseudo-authentic marketing pitches, teenagers increasingly look to the media to provide them with a ready-made identity predicated on today’s version of what’s cool. Rather than empowering youngsters, the incessant focus on their wants and desires leaves them adrift in a sea of conflicting marketing messages.
“Kids feel frustrated and lonely today because they are encouraged to feel that way,” Miller tells FRONTLINE. “You know, advertising has always sold anxiety and it certainly sells anxiety to the young. It’s always telling them that they are not thin enough, they’re not pretty enough, they don’t have the right friends, or they have no friends…they’re losers unless they’re cool. But I don’t think anybody, deep down, really feels cool enough, ever.”
And as more and more teens look to the media to define what they should think and how they should behave, even some cool hunters are no longer sure that their work isn’t having a negative impact.
“Even though I work at MTV…I am starting to see the world more like someone who’s approaching forty than someone who’s twenty,” says Brian Graden, the channel’s president of programming. “And I can’t help but be worried that we are throwing so much at young adults so fast. And that there is no amount of preparation or education or even love that you could give a child to be ready.”
#culture #monetarySystem #society
The Merchants of Cool (trailer) -
A trade-free video hosting platform for science/technology/nature videos in the English language. You do not have to trade your currency, data, attention, freedom or anything else, in order to use
The Forbidden Education
YEAR: 2012 | LENGTH: 1 part (145 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA
The Forbidden Education (Spanish: La Educación Prohibida) is an independent documentary released in 2012. The film documents diverse alternative education practices and unconventional schools in Latin America and Spain and includes educational approaches such as popular education, Montessori, progressive education, Waldorf, homeschooling.
It became the first released movie in Spanish to be funded under a crowdfunding methodology.[1] It was also hightlightened by its distributed screening proposal that enabled a synchronized release in 130 cities in 13 countries with a total number of 18,000 viewers in a single day.[2]
[3]The film was released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
The documentary is divided into 10 thematic episodes, each presenting a different aspect of education in the school context and outside of it. Topics include the history of the school system, authority and power in schools, evaluation and segregation of students, social function of educational institutions, and the role of teachers and families.
The film has almost 30 minutes of animation and a fictional dramatic story connecting the episodes.
#Education #society
The War on Kids
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2009 | LENGTH: 1 part (90 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: The War on Kids is a …VideoNeat
Zeitgeist Moving Forward
YEAR: 2011 | LENGTH: 1 part (180 minutes) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA
The film is arranged into four successive parts. Within each part is an amalgam of interviews, narration and animated sequences.
Section I: Human Nature – The film begins with a brief animated sequence narrated by Jacque Fresco. He describes his adolescent life and his discontinuation of public education at the age of 14 to study under his own will. He continues to express that his radical views developed as a result of experiences during the Great Depression and World War II. Studying the social sciences, mechanical and social engineering, architecture among numerous other fields of study for 75 years have, Fresco states, failed to alter this initial, radical, disposition, which he continues to outline in greater detail later in the film.
The discussion turns to human behavior and the nature vs. nurture debate. This portion begins with a small clip with Robert Sapolsky summing up the nature vs. nurture debate in which he essentially refers to it as a “false dichotomy.” After which he states that “it is virtually impossible to understand how biology works, outside the context of environment.” During which time the film then goes onto describe that it is neither Nature nor Nurture that shapes human behavior but both are supposed to influence behavior. The interviewed pundits state that even with genetic predispositions to diseases, the expression and manifestation of disease is largely determined by environmental stressors, including topics such as epigenetics and Gene–environment interactions. Disease, criminal activity and addictions are also placed in the same light. One study discussed showed that newly born babies are more likely to die if they are not touched. Another study which was mentioned claimed to show how stressed women were more likely to have children with addiction disorders. A reference is made to the unborn children who were in utero during the Dutch famine of 1944. The “Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study” is mentioned to have shown that obesity and other health complications became common problems later in life, due to prolonged starvation of their mother during pregnancy.[3] Comparisons are made by sociologists of criminals in different parts of the world and how different cultures with different values can often have more peaceful inhabitants. An Anabaptist sect called the Hutterites are mentioned to have never reported a homicide in any of their societies. The overall conclusion of Part I is that social environment and cultural conditioning play a large part in shaping human behavior.
Section II: Social Pathology – The origins of our modern economic paradigm are explored, beginning with John Locke and Adam Smith. In Two Treatises of Government, John Locke lays out the fundamental principles of private ownership of land, labor and capital. In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith mentions the invisible hand balancing out supply and demand leading to trade equilibrium. The argument becomes religious as the invisible hand is interpreted as the hand of God. A critical view of economic theory is made by questioning the need for private property, money and the inherent inequality between agents in the system. Also seen critically is the need for cyclical consumption in order to maintain market share which results in wasted resources. Planned obsolescence is shown to be another important side-effect of the market system, where goods are deliberately made defective or not having sufficient technology in order to maintain a large turnover rate. The economic paradigm is then termed anti-economy due to these profligate activities. The above described process of individuals and groups exchanging goods, labor and capital is mentioned as the market economy.
The other component is the monetary economy. The monetary system regulates the money supply and interest rates by buying/selling treasuries. More critical views of the monetary system are explained. According to Zeitgeist, in the final analysis the current monetary system can only result in default or hyperinflation. This is because when money comes into existence it is created by loans at interest. The existing money supply is only the principal. The interest to pay the loan that created the money does not exist in the money supply and must be borrowed repetitively in order to service the debt. Due to this exponential money supply growth, Zeitgeist predicts the value of money is eventually destroyed as evidenced by the 96% devaluation of the U.S. money supply since the Federal Reserve was chartered in 1914 and 80% devaluation since the U.S. ended the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971.
Section III: Project Earth – As with Zeitgeist: Addendum, to improve the human condition the film presents a “resource-based economy” as advocated by Jacque Fresco. The dialogue leads to a train of thought on how human civilization should start from the beginning. Imagine an exact copy of Earth somewhere in space: conduct a survey of the planet, to assess the resource types, locations, quantities, to satisfy human demands; track the consumption and depletion of resources to regulate human demands and maintain the condition of the environment; localize the distribution of resources, to control environmental impacts and maintain self-sufficiency; place an emphasis on recycling and the use of public transportation, in order to avoid resource waste. Through the global application of existing revolutionary technologies in the manufacturing and distribution sectors, labor and money will eventually become obsolete; thereby establishing the foundation of a resource-based economy. Various technologies for improving civilization under the resource-based economy are described. The city structure will consist of concentric rings, every ring serving one critical function necessary for the function of a self-sufficient city: agriculture, energy production, residents, hospitals, schools, etc. For agriculture, hydroponics and aeroponics are mentioned as a possible solutions for food shortages. Maglev trains provide transport for the city residents. Manufacturing and construction become automated with mechanized technologies, such as three-dimensional printing and computer-aided manufacturing. Mentioned energy production methods: photovoltaic paint, wind turbines, pressure transducers and geothermal power plants.
Section IV: Rise – The world state of affairs is described in a dire light. The peak oil phenomenon is seen as a threat to civilization’s progress, potentially resulting in extinction. A case is presented that pollution, deforestation, climate change, overpopulation, and warfare are all created and perpetuated by the socioeconomic system. Various poverty statistics are shown that suggest a progressive worsening of world culture. According to the United Nations, currently 18,000 children a day die from starvation. Also according to the UN, global poverty rates have doubled since the 1970s.
The movie closes with a standoff between protesters on the streets of Times Square in New York City facing off against police in riot gear while in the midst of global economic depression. People withdraw trillions of dollars from the world’s central banks, then dump the money at the doors of the banks. The police stand down. The final scene of the film shows a partial view of earth from space, followed by a sequence of superimposed statements; “This is your world”, “This is our world”, and “The revolution is now”.
The Trap: What Happened To Our Dream Of Freedom
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2007 | LENGTH: 3 parts (60 minutes each) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: The series consists of three …VideoNeat
Cosmos : A Personal Voyage
YEAR: 1980 | LENGTH: 13 parts (60 minutes each) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage is a thirteen-part television series written by Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, and Steven Soter, with Sagan as presenter.The series was notable for its groundbreaking use of special effects, which allowed Sagan to seemingly walk through environments that were actually models rather than full-sized sets.
01. The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean
After an introduction by Ann Druyan, including the benefits of the end of the Cold War, Carl Sagan opens the program with a description of the cosmos and a “Spaceship of the Imagination” (shaped like a dandelion seed). The ship journeys through the universe’s hundred billion galaxies, theLocal Group, the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way, the Orion Nebula, our Solar System, and finally the planet Earth. Eratosthenes’ successful calculation of the circumference of Earth leads to a description of the ancient Library of Alexandria. Finally, the “Ages of Science” are described, before pulling back to the full span of the Cosmic Calendar.
02. One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue
Sagan discusses the story of the Heike crab and artificial selection of crabs resembling samurai warriors, as an opening into a larger discussion ofevolution through natural selection (and the pitfalls of intelligent design). Among the topics are the development of life on the Cosmic Calendar and the Cambrian explosion; the function of DNA in growth; genetic replication, repairs, and mutation; the common biochemistry of terrestrial organisms; the creation of the molecules of life in the Miller-Urey experiment; and speculation on alien life (such as life in Jupiter’s clouds). In the Cosmos Update ten years later, Sagan remarks on RNA also controlling chemical reactions and reproducing itself and the different roles of comets (potentially carrying organic molecules or causing the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event).
03. The Harmony of the Worlds
Beginning with the separation of the fuzzy thinking and pious fraud of astrology from the careful observations of astronomy, Sagan follows the development of astronomical observation. Beginning with constellations and ceremonial calendars (such as those of the Anasazi), the story moves to the debate between Earth and Sun-centered models: Ptolemy and the geocentric worldview, Copernicus’ theory, the data-gathering of Tycho Brahe, and the achievements of Johannes Kepler (Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and the first science-fiction novel).
04. Heaven and Hell
Sagan discusses comets and asteroids as planetary impactors, giving recent examples of the Tunguska event and a lunar impact described byCanterbury monks in 1178. It moves to a description of the environment of Venus, from the previous fantastic theories of people such as Immanuel Velikovsky to the information gained by the Venera landers and its implications for Earth’s greenhouse effect. The Cosmos Update highlights the connection to global warming.
05. Blues for a Red Planet
The episode, devoted to the planet Mars, begins with scientific and fictional speculation about the Red Planet during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (H. G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds, Edgar Rice Burroughs’ science fiction books, and Percival Lowell’s false vision of canals on Mars). It then moves to Robert Goddard’s early experiments in rocket-building, inspired by reading science fiction, and the work by Mars probes, including the Viking, searching for life on Mars. The episode ends with the possibility of the terraforming and colonization of Mars and a Cosmos Update on the relevance of Mars’ environment to Earth’s and the possibility of a manned mission to Mars.
06. Travellers' Tales
The journeys of the Voyager probes is put in the context of the Netherlands in the seventeenth century, with a centuries-long tradition of sailing shipexplorers, and its contemporary thinks (such as Constantijn Huygens and his son Christian). Their discoveries are compared to the Voyager probes’ discoveries among the Jovian and Saturn systems. In Cosmos Update, image processing reconstructs Voyager’s worlds and Voyager’s last portrait of the Solar System as it leaves is shown.
07. The Backbone of Night
Carl Sagan teaches students in a classroom in his childhood home in Brooklyn, New York, which leads into a history of the different mythologies about stars and the gradual revelation of their true nature. In ancient Greece, some philosophers (Aristarchus of Samos, Thales of Miletus,Anaximander, Theodorus of Samos, Empedocles, Democritus) freely pursue scientific knowledge, while others (Plato, Aristotle, and thePythagoreans) advocate slavery and epistemic secrecy.
08. Journeys in Space and Time
Ideas about time and space are explored in the changes that constellations undergo over time, the redshift and blue shift measured in interstellar objects, time dilation in Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, the designs of both Leonardo da Vinci and spacecraft that could travel near light speed,time travel and its hypothetical effects on human history, the origins of the Solar System, the history of life, and the immensity of space. In Cosmos Update, the idea of faster-than-light travel by wormholes (researched by Kip Thorne and shown in Sagan’s novel Contact) is discussed.
09. The Lives of the Stars
The simple act of making an apple pie is extrapolated into the atoms and subatomic particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons) necessary. Many of the ingredients necessary are formed of chemical elements formed in the life and deaths of stars (such as our own Sun), resulting in massive red giants and supernovae or collapsing into white dwarfs, neutron stars, pulsars, and even black holes. These produce all sorts of phenomena, such asradioactivity, cosmic rays, and even the curving of spacetime by gravity. Cosmos Update mentions the supernova SN 1987A and neutrino astronomy.
10. The Edge of Forever
Beginning with the origins of the universe in the Big Bang, Sagan describes the formation of different types of galaxies and anomalies such asgalactic collisions and quasars. The episodes moves further into ideas about the structure of the Universe, such as different dimensions (in the imaginary Flatland and four-dimensional hypercubes), an infinite vs. a finite universe, and the idea of an oscillating Universe (similar to that in Hinducosmology). The search into other ideas such as dark matter and the multiverse is shown, using tools such as the Very Large Array in New Mexico.Cosmos Update shows new information about the odd, irregular surfaces of galaxies and the Milky Way perhaps being a barred spiral galaxy.
11. The Persistence of Memory
The idea of intelligence is explored in the concepts of computers (using bits as their basic units of information), whales (in their songs and their disruptions by human activities), DNA, the human brain (the evolution of the brain stem, frontal lobes, neurons, cerebral hemispheres, and corpus callosum under the Triune Brain Model), and man-made structures for collective intelligence (cities, libraries, books, computers, and satellites). The episode ends with speculation on alien intelligence and the information conveyed on the Voyager Golden Record.
12. Encyclopaedia Galactica
Questions are raised about the search for intelligent life beyond the Earth, with UFOs and other close encounters refuted in favor of communications through SETI and radio telescope such as the Arecibo Observatory. The probability of technically advanced civilizations existing elsewhere in the Milky Way is interpreted using the Drake equation and a future hypothetical Encyclopedia Galactica is discussed as a repository of information about other worlds in the galaxy. The Cosmos Update notes that there have been fewer sightings of UFOs and more stories ofabductions, while mentioning the META scanning the skies for signals.
13. Who Speaks for Earth?
Sagan reflects on the future of humanity and the question of “who speaks for Earth?” when meeting extraterrestrials. He discusses the very different meetings of the Tlingit people and explorer Jean-François de La Pérouse with the destruction of the Aztecs by Spanish conquistadors, the looming threat of nuclear warfare, and the threats shown by destruction of the Library of Alexandria and the murder of Hypatia. The episode ends with a overview of the beginning of the universe, the evolution of life, and the accomplishments of humanity and makes a plea to for mankind to cherish life and continue its journey in the cosmos. The Cosmos Update notes the preliminary reconnaissance of planets with spacecraft, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of apartheid in South Africa, and measures towards the reduction of nuclear weapons.
#society #space
The Universe
Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2007-2016 | LENGTH: 9 seasons 89 episodes (45 minutes each) | SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA description: The Universe is an …VideoNeat