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@Friendica Support

Question to any #Friendica users who are also familiar with federating to #Mastodon servers.

Why don't Friendica Likes of posts federate across to Mastodon?

  • is there any known solution for this annoyance, or at least a workaround?
  • does the problem lie within Friendica, within Mastodon, or somewhere else?
  • doesn't this IMO sizable flaw rather mock the mantra that the Fediverse via #ActivityPub facilitates widespread interoperability amongst myriad clients?

When i recently discovered that none of my Masto friends was seeing any of my Friendica Likes to their toots, i felt a bit devastated, not least coz it might have connotated rudeness on my part in their minds.
@MsDropbear42 [venera] ๐Ÿจโ™€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿงโ€‹๐Ÿฆ˜ I have just done the test by liking an old post by me using a Friendica test account: the Like does show up as a Favourite in Mastodon and I got a notification about it in Mastodon. So I think Friendica Likes of posts do federate across to Mastodon. Did I misunderstand your question?
@MsDropbear42 [venera] ๐Ÿจโ™€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿงโ€‹๐Ÿฆ˜
I can see my likes from friendica account to mastodon post. Just now I checked again.
Example post, first like from the top is from friendica account:

Thank you both @gidi and @miklo for your replies.

To further test this, & try to understand why so far it does not work for me despite apparently working correctly for each of you, i've now done these things:
  • back in my Friendica account i Liked each of your replies
  • i logged into two of my Masto accounts [am sending this reply now from one of them], found this thread in my respective Masto Home timelines, & noted that here i can see NO indication that anyone has Liked your posts [see pic]
  • immediately after i send this Masto toot, i'll tab back to Friendica, find it there, Like it, then tab back here to see if this time my Like is visible... tba.
Pic of a thread i began in my Friendica account, viewed here in one of my Masto accounts, marked up with pink outlines showing absence of any indication that the two replies have been Liked, despite my having done so earlier in Friendica.
@MsDropbear425 @helpers @gidi @miklo

Now, this second reply is from my *other* Masto account. I can confirm that in my initial Masto, i received NO Notification that anyone had Liked my toot, & viewing the toot itself shows NO indication either. That's the identical failed result as happened in my original tests of this last week.

Once i send this toot, i shall repeat the process, ie, Like it from Friendica, then return to this Masto tab to see if any acknowledgement occurred.
@MsDropbear42 [venera] ๐Ÿจโ™€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿงโ€‹๐Ÿฆ˜ When I look at your and your posts on their respective servers, I see both mine and your likes from our Friendica accounts.
@Gidi Kroon This blows my mind! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿคฏ In neither of my Masto accounts can i see any of the Likes / Favourites; the icons remain in their default inactive state, regardless of waiting much time to allow for slow federating, & doing multiple page reloads.

There is only one bit of good news. My original post was wrong in that both my Mastos did after all receive the Notifications of the Likes [albeit many minutes elapsed before it occurred]. It's just that looking at the actual posts themselves [in Masto, i mean] gives no visual indication here that any Likes occurred.

I simply cannot understand how i cannot see them, yet you can. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿคฏ
@MsDropbear42 [venera] ๐Ÿจโ™€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿงโ€‹๐Ÿฆ˜ On your post when seen on

The icons under a Mastodon post indicating that server knows of two Likes

And when you click it to get the list of people who've liked it:
The list of the two accounts, which happen to be Friendica accounts
@MsDropbear42 [venera] ๐Ÿจโ™€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿงโ€‹๐Ÿฆ˜ there are a lot of possibilities. ActivityPub tries to get things as quickly as possible but alot of what goes on falls into a category of "it'll get there eventually".

Like Friendica has deferred workers, where if you send a like and it can't reach the server... it might try again in an hour, a day, a week, a month, etc.

AP isn't a protocol for instant communication, it'll often be there quickly but when things come up speed is not a priority. (Compared to something like Matrix which absolutely prioritizes getting the message ASAP and will fail if it can't get it there now).

I'll also note that I don't see your like of @Gidi Kroon 's post either.
@Shiri Bailem @Gidi Kroon Thank you! That's useful info for me to learn, & i suppose presumably underpins my confusion & duress on this matter.

When i joined the Fediverse in late 2022 it was with a Masto instance, & since then i've tried many different Mastos, as well as some Firefish & now Friendica. The thing though is that the majority of the peeps with whom i frequently chat are still on Masto, & so i feel it's pretty important that i can be confident that they get to see each & every Like / Favourite that i give to their various toots [like what certainly happens when i use Masto in lieu of Friendica]. Until last week i simply presumed this was ofc happening, til i accidentally discovered with some of my own Masto toots, that i later Liked in Friendica [for some tests i was doing] that those Likes never showed up in Masto. That made me feel pretty upset coz logically it implies that the same problem probably was also happening for my Masto friends.

Since then, given my lack of confidence, i've adopted a "belt & braces" approach of Liking their posts in my Friendica account [just in case it might somehow work properly] but then also manually replying to them simply with a thumbs-up emoji enclosed... but this "double-handling" is tbh really inefficient, ergo annoying. Hence, today, i thought i'd ask the question.

Now, i remain confused; clearly it works ok for some of you, but not all, which means, sadly, i think i need to keep going with my "double-handling", unfortunately.
@hackbyte (friendica) @Gidi Kroon @Shiri Bailem Aha, so now the plot thickens!

However i just wish to clarify an important point. In my Friendica account i DO see when others Like my posts in their own Friendica instances, AND i also DO see when my Masto friends Like/Favourite one of my Friendica posts. In other words, it's not me i'm worried about.

Instead, i worry about the reverse scenario; that my Masto friends might not be seeing my Friendica Likes of their toots [& as i have already documented in this thread, my own tests last week & again this week confirm that problem]... however i am now confused by the fact that @gidi can see what i can't.
@MsDropbear [infosec] ๐Ÿจโ™€๐ŸŒˆ:archlinux: :kde: :floorp: :thunderbird:๐Ÿฆ˜:vegan:โ€‹ @Gidi Kroon @MsDropbear42 [venera] ๐Ÿจโ™€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿงโ€‹๐Ÿฆ˜
This is something opposite - you try to check from mastodon if friendica likes under friendica post/comment is visible. And from my freindica account i see your like, but i don't see it from my mastodon account. What does not mean this like is not federated. If account owner can like other's posts and vice versa and both see likes from from other on own account, federation works.