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Items tagged with: ActivityPub

@raroun Nein, nicht abstrus, sonderen dem Zweck angepasste Plattform auswählen.
#Friendica ist Micro- und Macroblogging
#Pixelfed ist fürs Teilen von Bildern.

Dea ist eben das #Fediverse. Es gibt nicht die ein und alle Plattform für ein und alles. Sondern es gibt verschiedene Dienste - sie sind alle über #ActivityPub verbunden.

@cantences @tux @helpers

@Friendica Support

Question to any #Friendica users who are also familiar with federating to #Mastodon servers.

Why don't Friendica Likes of posts federate across to Mastodon?

  • is there any known solution for this annoyance, or at least a workaround?
  • does the problem lie within Friendica, within Mastodon, or somewhere else?
  • doesn't this IMO sizable flaw rather mock the mantra that the Fediverse via #ActivityPub facilitates widespread interoperability amongst myriad clients?

When i recently discovered that none of my Masto friends was seeing any of my Friendica Likes to their toots, i felt a bit devastated, not least coz it might have connotated rudeness on my part in their minds.

Might be related? Someone is flooding #ActivityPub with fake servers?

Frage | Wenn ich einen fremden Kommentar bei einen meiner Beiträge lösche, wird das dann auch auf via ActivityPub verbundenen Server gelöscht oder nur bei mir?

Hintergrund ist das eben jemand meinte das das dann eben anscheinend nur bei mir gelöscht würde, was in meinen Augen recht sinnfrei wäre.

Tags: #Frage #ActivityPub #Friendica #Beiträge #Kommentare #Löschen #Sascha #2024-01-03 !Friendica Support

@heluecht @one @sascha

Weiß das W3C davon? ;-)

Und ich dachte, #Diaspora unterstützt überhaupt kein #ActivityPub!?!

@heluecht @one @sascha

Bei #Pleroma sind mir neulich schon Unterschiede in der Implementation im Vergleich zu #Mastodon aufgefallen (an anderer Stelle).

Wenn #Pleroma #ActivityPub "erweitert", würde es die Kompatibilität zum Standard brechen...!?!

@one @sascha @heluecht

Könnt Ihr genauer erläutern, wo und wie #ActivityPub Emoji-Reaktionen unterstützen soll?

Das "Activity Vocabulary" kennt "Like" und "Dislike"...

friendica VPS setup on ubuntu 22.04 LTS

@Friendica Support

I'm working on my first #friendica #VPS installation, here you'll find my initial post about general thoughts like what distro to use, size and costs.
I'm using the tutorial "creating a friendica server - ubuntu" by @Hank G ☑️.

As of now I'm doing well in the process and want to start this post to document differences and questions while installing the server.

This server is going to host an already existing friendica node I have to move from another hosting provider. That means that for example the DB doesn't have to be created from scratch but moved and other smaller details.

I will try to address the different steps of installation in answers to this post and appreciate help, ideas and observations.

I'm doing this from a #linux desktop environment from the console but there shouldn't be differences if you want to do this from a #windows machine.

#fediVerse #tutorial #fediHelp #activityPub

what VPS offer fits best for a small friendica instance?

@Friendica Support
@Friendica Admins
@Friendica Developers

Hi there,
in the end I want to try to setup my first own hosted friendica VPS on a small setup:
1gig RAM/1 Core/25gig

The idea is kinda single user instance with a few forum pages.

The hosting provider has the following options:

  • debian bullsey - vpn server
  • debian bookworm - wireguard server
  • debian bookworm - bookworm 2023-07-03
  • debian bookworm - bookworm 2023-07-03 LEMP (nginx+php8.2+mariaDB10.5)
  • debian bookworm - nextcloud
  • ubuntu 22.04.01LTS
  • CENTOS8.1 - 2020-05-03
  • cleanVPS to upload own ISO

I'm used to debian/devuan on PC, so am obviously inclined to go for debian but have no idea what version would be the best choice.

In the first place the debian LEMP option looks like the way to go.
Latest experience with a new friendica installation seemed to be in need of PHP8.1 instead of PHP8.2.
Is it difficult to downgrade that?

Also, I'm kinda worried about security in general, even tho the data exposed will only be my own, so there is no responsibility with others.
Are there more security risks than on a shared hosting with let's say a standard phpBB forum page?

The idea would be to point the IP from my existing hosting provider to the VPS.

  • Do we have some general "how to setup" for a VPS setting from scratch?
  • Anyone interested in creating such a "how to" in a conversation with me here to have a refence or base to sum that up for the frindica wiki?
  • Could it even be of interest to create a "friendica VPS-ISO installation" with the help of for example?

@bitPickup mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm

are there "best practice" PHP Versions?

Hi there @Friendica Support,
I wonder if there are PHP versions to recommend when running friendica.

In older versions (2019-12 + 2021.01-04) I experienced problems when creating connections getting "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added." messages using PHP 7.4 (as the install instruction stated 7.1 or higher).
After downgrading to 7.1 it looked like connecting started to work well.

Right now I'm working on a new VPS for
Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2023.05 - 1518
PHP 8.2.10

(it's a beta testing of a hoster) but some how not everything works as expected.

I just tried to contact the public forum @Rugby from this profile here.
Over here, the contact is displayed as follows:
(Group) I follow them (#DFRN (via #ActivityPub))

but over there this profile doesn't show up.

No problems for now with establishing connections with mastodon profiles and I just tested a friendica 2021.01 profile and that worked to.

Should I downgrade the PHP version and if so to which one?

Also, I posted a help request to the helpers page about how to set up the forum pages properly as the don't work "as expected" but it doesn't look to me as if the post was received by the helpers forum:

Frage | Friendica: Federiert Friendica schneller zu Diaspora als zu ActivityPub?

Kann es sein das von Friendica aus die Federierung zu und von Diaspora wesentlich schneller als zu und von ActivityPub ist? Ich hatte jetzt schon mehrmals den Fall das ich auf Diaspora nach kürzester Zeit Reaktionen auf meine Beiträge bekam, während Reaktionen von anderen via ActivityPub verbundenen Servern erst ein gutes Stück später Reaktionen eintrödelten.

#Frage #Friendica #Federation #Diaspore #ActivityPub #2023-07-13 !Friendica Support

(Sowohl der Kommentar auf den Beitrag als auch die 'Gefällt mir', kommen alle von Diaspora Nutzern)

!Friendica Support Is it possible to have posts show in a lemmy community? e.g. is it enough to use !keyword to have this post show in lemmy community !keyword ?

If not, what would be needed to cover this? I lack so much knowledge about #activitypub and federation that I am unsure if this question is smart or stupid, but dipping my toes in lemmy waters, it is a question that has been spinning in my head.