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Items tagged with: yunohost

Β‘Hi Friendifans!

Today I discovered that I can't participate in polls, either from the web version or from any app.
Oddly enough, only whalebird shows me correctly the poll options and I can even choose the one I like, but the submit button doesn't seem to have any effect.
Is this a friendica problem in general or could it be a bug unique to my instance ( on #Yunohost )?

Thanks in advance.

!Friendica Support

Β‘Hi Friendifans!

I guess this topic has been covered 1000 times before, but I can't seem to find a way to "search and find" the older threads on this forum. So I apologise for returning to a familiar topic.

I installed #friendica on my home micro-server on #Yunohost and after an upgrade it worked perfectly for a few weeks, but lately it has started to frequently show the "504 Gateway Time-out" error page and I wonder if this could be due to some configuration of my node or some other reason.

As a background, at the moment, the server has only one active user, with almost 2.000 contacts.

Version 2023.12 - Version BD 1542/1542 - 1507/1507

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

!Friendica Support #Gateway504 #Gateway504error #TimeOut
