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Items tagged with: diaspora

#diaspora #pollFeatures

#diasporaPoll about polling.

#poll feature test, related to a #friendica post about vote by name polling.
If I get this right, D*'s poll feature can have a max of four questions and multiple choice is not available.

Also notable, in comparison with #mastodon poll's, there is no time limit for the poll.
As mastodon allows editing post's, the poll count is reset if the post text is edited, but not the time span of the poll.
Time span is from 5 minutes up to 7 seven days.

Excerpt from a message I just posted in a #diaspora team internal forum category. The context here is that I recently get pinged by slowness/load spikes on the diaspora* project web infrastructure (Discourse, Wiki, the project website, ...), and looking at the traffic logs makes me impressively angry.
In the last 60 days, the diaspora* web assets received 11.3 million requests. That equals to 2.19 req/s - which honestly isn't that much. I mean, it's more than your average personal blog, but nothing that my infrastructure shouldn't be able to handle.

However, here's what's grinding my fucking gears. Looking at the top user agent statistics, there are the leaders:
  • 2.78 million requests - or 24.6% of all traffic - is coming from Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
  • 1.69 million reuqests - 14.9% - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonbot/0.1; +
  • 0.49m req - 4.3% - Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
  • 0.25m req - 2.2% - Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; Amazonbot/0.1; + Chrome/119.0.6045.214 Safari/537.36
  • 0.22m req - 2.2% - meta-externalagent/1.1 (+
and the list goes on like this. Summing up the top UA groups, it looks like my server is doing 70% of all its work for these fucking LLM training bots that don't to anything except for crawling the fucking internet over and over again.

Oh, and of course, they don't just crawl a page once and then move on. Oh, no, they come back every 6 hours because lol why not. They also don't give a single flying fuck about robots.txt, because why should they. And the best thing of all: they crawl the stupidest pages possible. Recently, both ChatGPT and Amazon were - at the same time - crawling the entire edit history of the wiki. And I mean that - they indexed every single diff on every page for every change ever made. Frequently with spikes of more than 10req/s. Of course, this made MediaWiki and my database server very unhappy, causing load spikes, and effective downtime/slowness for the human users.

If you try to rate-limit them, they'll just switch to other IPs all the time. If you try to block them by User Agent string, they'll just switch to a non-bot UA string (no, really). This is literally a DDoS on the entire internet.

Just for context, here's how sane bots behave - or, in this case, classic search engine bots:
  • 16.6k requests - 0.14% - Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
  • 15,9k req - 0.14% - Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.1938.76 Safari/537.36
Because those bots realize that there's no point in crawling the same stupid shit over and over again.

I am so tired.

[strong]Frage: Warum wird in Friendica ein weitergesagter Beitrag von einen anderen Friendica Account anders als ein weitergesagter Beitrag von einen anderen via ActivityPub verbundenen Account behandelt?[/strong]

Wenn ich einen Beitrag von einen Friendica Account normal weitersage, also nicht zitiere, sieht das so aus:

Wenn ich hingegen einen Beitrag der via ActivityPub kommt weitersage sieht das so aus:

Hat es einen Hintergrund das das so unterschiedlich gehandhabt wird? Die Variante mit dem weitergesagten Beitrag von einen Friendica Account sieht eher wie das Zitieren aus, dass man bei einen Diaspora Account hat.

#Friendica #Weitersagen #ActivityPub #Diaspora #Darstellung #german #2022-10-05 !Friendica Support

@Friendica Support


Actually I thought that friendica strips by default all metadata when pictures are uploaded, something that #Diaspora* (apparently) does. I guess that's where my assumption came from. Has their been any discussion and/or decision on that?
Is here some addon that provides this?

I checked this because I'm diving into #exiftool and it's nice to be able to print copyright (CC-SA-NC), or things like "Artist", "Description or "Comment" to pictures and videos.

What I did find was in settings the opt-in option to publicly display the location metadata of pictures, yet what really would be neat is to be able differenciate these things. In other words, to strip the location data but retain other data like specifically added data.

As example two images I uploaded with similar metadata, one on diaspora:
(this was actually a .png so diaspora changed the container)
and the friendica upload:

To see in linux (debian) what metadata shows up:
apt-get install exiftool

To display the metadata:
exiftool -v filename.png
The -v in the command is optional and means "verbose", that means it displays more data than a simple:
exiftool filename.png

!Friendica Support recently my friends' #diaspora posts that include only images are showing as with no content in my network feed. Whats' up with that?

@heluecht @one @sascha

Weiß das W3C davon? ;-)

Und ich dachte, #Diaspora unterstützt überhaupt kein #ActivityPub!?!

Meinung | Die Crux mit den geteilten Diaspora Beiträgen

Bei mir werden ja geteilte Beiträge nach einigen Tagen automatisch gelöscht. Das funktioniert mit ActivityPub Beiträgen auch sehr gut und hat sich bewährt. Bei Diaspora Beiträgen ist dem jedoch nicht so, da sie beim Teilen nicht wie ActivityPub Beiträge behandelt, sondern als Zitat geteilt werden. Das wiederum führt dann dazu das sie vom automatischen Löschen nicht erfasst werden, was doch sehr nervig ist, da man das dann mühsam manuell machen muss. Das nervt total.

#Meinung #Friendica #Diaspora #Teilen #Weitersagen #Automatische-Löschung @Friendica Support

Ich habe heute mal etwas von #Bandcamp geteilt. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass auf #Friendica nur ein Link zur Bandcamp Seite erstellt wird, auf #Diaspora und #Mastodon aber ein Player eingebettet ist. D.h. auf Diaspora und Mastodon kann ich das Stück direkt abspielen, auf Friendica nicht. Kann ich das Verhalten in den Konfigurationseinstellungen irgendwie ändern?

#Friendica #Bandcamp
!Friendica Support

@Juan Manuel
I'd also like to know how to use #Friendica as my "main network", so that when I post on #Friendica, the post is also done automatically on #Mastodon and #Diaspora*.

You can ask/direct people to follow your Friendica account. They'll see what you post both on Diaspora and Mastodon

Hello @Friendica Support
I'm writing to you from #Colombia, #SouthAmerica. My account is hosted on a server in #Argentina. I'd like to know how, either from #Fedilab on #Android or from a browser on #Windows10, I could follow several tags simultaneously, without having to add them one by one.
I'd also like to know how to use #Friendica as my "main network", so that when I post on #Friendica, the post is also done automatically on #Mastodon and #Diaspora*.
Thank you very much.