Items tagged with: fediadmin
Hi there,
the moment has come to do the first instance upgrade cycle in the life of this instalation to bring this server to the actual stable version 2024.12-1 in the comming days.
In part the idea is to document every step in a post similiar to the howTo instructions:
install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server
in the @EDIT | don't follow! profile.
Right now we are on 2023.05, so we will have to update step by step to:
2023.12 | release notes
2024.03 | release notes
2024.08 | release notes
2024.12-1 | release notes
Are there any specific recomandations or details to have in mind besides the information expected to be found in every update release instruction?
This is basically a single user instance with round about 14 forum pages with few followers each and a total of 18 profiles with contacts in the activityPub and diaspora community and some RSS subscriptions. No other specific conectors are enabled.
Installed addons/apps:
blockbot, calc, impressum, js_upload, notifyall, nsfw, pageheader, phpmailer, qcomment, rendertime, showmore_dyn, startpage
DB backups amount to ~180MiB and the image file storage folder on ftp around ~400MiB.
Friendica stable | 'Giant Rhubarb' 2023.05 - 1518
PHP Version 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14
VPS server | Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
4 Core CPU, 8 GB Ram with 300GB NVME Disk - unlimited traffic
hosted by @ raroun 👍
This instances right now seems to work well.
Sometimes this profile here has some strange hickups like when following up the link of a post from this server in a stream view a message "Not Found |The requested item doesn't exist or has been deleted." Also right now profiles from contacts, for example @ hoergen or @ feb don't show up in the contact list but they are displayed as followed in the profile contact page.
#friendica #fediAdmin
Most #fediVerse platforms have profiles on their own platform and/or a #mastodon profile, because that's the kinda standard thought and behavior. But actually to me it looks like the #friendica #communityForum page capabilities exceed by far what mastodon or others have to offer. Well, I haven't digged into the fedi clone of reddit to see if that would be an even better option. What is true tho is that is already long standing and our community has gone a long way, so there is in general terms "no single point of failure" like in other projects that depend on one main figure and that's it.
I consider our helpers community experience here, with all the followers of our helpers page getting resend the help requests posted to the forum, chiming in to help out and solve issues, very positive. So this is a proven setup and could help lot's of other projects out here too. Actually I do think that if implemented and adopted, it even could have a positive feed back loop for friendica itself, but that's like something on another page.
So having already up and running, why not support the fediVerse community opening our doors to those who fulfill certain basic community standards?
This server here ( as well is only mend to be a forum server, and of course it's doors are open for any #fediPlatform that likes to have an own forum page over here, yet somehow to me it look's like is the first natural and ideal candidate for something like that.
Of course same goes for a #fediAdmin, #activityPub or #APIdeveloppers community support forum, if that is desired or useful.
Right now in general terms the fedi lives on using some tags or maybe some addresses, but it's actually us who hold and develop that option for more than a decade now inside the federation itself.
Was that more clarifying
Not sure if the following has been part of information and discussion around here.
Apparently there are several Nostr relays that bridge, with or without asking for permission, profiles to somewhere else.
In this link there is a csv file with known servers that can be importet into the server blocking list:
To begin with I wonder what happens if our sites and profiles display CC-BY-SA-NC as #copyright notice. Any use by #AI scrapers should become illegal and indemnisation inforcable.
Also if you search for #robotsTXT in google, this is what you get.
> Ignoring robots.txt instructions can result in your scraping activities being considered unethical or even illegal.
#fediAdmin #fediVerse #AI #KI
Text for robots.txt to disallow access for known AI crawlers:
User-Agent: GPTBot
User-Agent: ClaudeBot
User-Agent: Claude-Web
User-Agent: CCBot
User-Agent: Applebot-Extended
User-Agent: Facebookbot
User-Agent: Meta-ExternalAgent
User-Agent: diffbot
User-Agent: PerplexityBot
User-Agent: Omgili
User-Agent: Omgilibot
User-Agent: ImagesiftBot
User-Agent: Bytespider
User-Agent: Amazonbot
User-Agent: Youbot
Disallow: /
AI / LLM User-Agents: Blocking Guide
Find out how to block your content from being used for AI/LLM training with robots.txt. Created by ex-Google engineer