Items tagged with: fediverse
mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ wrote:
Important detailfirstfor D* users:
The original post on friendica has already moved to v.0x so it's recommended to visite this link to have an idea if there have beenimportanteupdates, other wise your comments might become out of context or be way behind the time line.
What link mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ?
Look's that there was definitely missing some #mateina in your circuits.
Here is the link to watch the whole thing unraveling in real time and with all eventual text updates in posts and answers, dear #diasporians:
Actually such a link is federated thru out the activityPub federation but not present on D*, so friendicans could consider to add those originating links in a comment if that seems reasonable or important, probably something to have in mind depending on the content.
Right now the post is in v.02
Mayor changes:
* poll's aren't drown in pool's anymore
header wrote:
to appreciate the editing features #friendica brings to the table of this restaurant at the end of the #fediVerse, please visit the originating page of this post.
footer wrote:
If you you don't care about pool's just be brilliantly absent from the ballot box.
Ballot count since v.01 of this post:
Two hundred eighty seven friendicans abstained from the vote because they don't have a Badekapp for the pool option, no votes in favor of poll's and one vote against poll's by the user @Wilhelm.
jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ wrote:
That's spanisch my friend, don't tell me the batteries a fully drained ..
@EDIT | don't follow! @utopiArte my dear @Friendica Support as it looks like those guys are lost in translation, time, space, the #fediVerse and everything ..
¡Why do you tell people to not
follow us @jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ?
Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server
EDIT - information
This tutorial is supposed to be published by the tutorial profile of this server.It is designed to have several chapters, each being distinctively seperated by an own titel. In total as of now there are like besides this introduction like 6 chapters.
posting and edition time of and by this EDIT profileof ver05 as of now 1hs
mastodon review contact: @mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup
SPOILER - click to open/close || Introduction
This tutorial is an adaption of the tutorial "creating a friendica server - ubuntu" by @Hank G ☑️ based on the experience of the installation report by @…ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ jesuisatire bitPickup:
and specific help by @Raroun.
Server specs and friendica version used:
VPS server | Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
PHP Version 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14
4 Core CPU, 8 GB Ram with 300GB NVME Disk
Friendica [STABLE] | 'Giant Rhubarb' 2023.05 - 1518
SPOILER - click to open/close || Installation environment and HowTo
The only reasonable way to work with a VPSserver on the web is using the console.If you are not familiar with that don't worry, it is easy and the only thing you have to do is being able to copy/paste the commands displayed:
Copy/paste only the codeBoxes like this one
, located outside of the spoilers of this tutorial one after another without altering the sequence!Of course it is necessary to change the specific file names and passwords for you indiviual site, but that's all. promise!
On the console you wont be able to copy/paste with the keyboard ctrl-C/ctrl-V technique, you'll have to use the mouse "right click, chose option" technique.
This tutorial was created on a #debian #linux desktop environment.
There shouldn't be differences if you want to do this from a #windows machine.
The method used for communication between your local computer and the VPS server is called #SSH:
Wikipedia - Secure Shell:
"Cryptographic network protocol for secure data communication, remote shell services or command execution and other secure network services between two networked computers."
#linux #debian #ubuntu #friendica #fediVerse #fediTutorial #tutorial #fediHelp #fediTips #activityPub #HowTo #DIY #VPS #server #selfHosting
Most #fediVerse platforms have profiles on their own platform and/or a #mastodon profile, because that's the kinda standard thought and behavior. But actually to me it looks like the #friendica #communityForum page capabilities exceed by far what mastodon or others have to offer. Well, I haven't digged into the fedi clone of reddit to see if that would be an even better option. What is true tho is that is already long standing and our community has gone a long way, so there is in general terms "no single point of failure" like in other projects that depend on one main figure and that's it.
I consider our helpers community experience here, with all the followers of our helpers page getting resend the help requests posted to the forum, chiming in to help out and solve issues, very positive. So this is a proven setup and could help lot's of other projects out here too. Actually I do think that if implemented and adopted, it even could have a positive feed back loop for friendica itself, but that's like something on another page.
So having already up and running, why not support the fediVerse community opening our doors to those who fulfill certain basic community standards?
This server here ( as well is only mend to be a forum server, and of course it's doors are open for any #fediPlatform that likes to have an own forum page over here, yet somehow to me it look's like is the first natural and ideal candidate for something like that.
Of course same goes for a #fediAdmin, #activityPub or #APIdeveloppers community support forum, if that is desired or useful.
Right now in general terms the fedi lives on using some tags or maybe some addresses, but it's actually us who hold and develop that option for more than a decade now inside the federation itself.
Was that more clarifying
[strong]Weis jemand was mit los ist[/strong]
Hallo Zusammen, weiß jemand von Euch was mit dem Friendica Server auf los ist? Ich kann die Seite nicht mehr aufrufen, bekomme nur noch einen 404er Fehler.
Leider weiß ich nicht wie ich @Tuxi ⁂ der den Server betreibt erreichen kann, deshalb frage ich einfach mal in die Runde.
#Frage #Fediverse #Friendica #404er #2025-01-19 @Friendica Support @Friendica Admins @askFedi_de group
Are These Accounts Monitored ???
VersionFriendica 'Interrupted Fern' 2025.02-dev - 1576
Server Settings
version 8.1.31
php.ini /opt/alt/php81/etc/php.ini
upload_max_filesize 256M
post_max_size 256M
memory_limit 512M
MySQL / MariaDB
max_allowed_packet 268435456
I am not seeing much engagement, more so I am not seeing posts of those I follow across the fediveres, and I know several post a few times a day, but I am not seeing much activity at all, any ideas on what may be going on would be great, and please any directions please make very simple to understand, brain issues, sometimes I struggle grasping things that should be easy. If it matters, I am in cPanel on shared hosting, so not root access to anything.
Friendica auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren
Nicht nur für mich als kleine Gedankenstütze halte ich hier auf meinem Blog fest, wie ich es endlich geschafft habe, Friendica auf dem Raspberry Pi zu installieren. Nun bin ich selbst überhaupt kein Experte in solchen Dingen, man möge es mir nachsehen, falls ich einen Fehler gemacht oder etwas doppelt geschrieben habe. Ich bin auch noch nicht so lange im Fediverse unterwegs und bei Linux […]
#Debian #Fediverse #Friendica #Linux #PHP #Raspberry
Friendica auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren -
Friendica auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren: Eine einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, um das Fediverse auf dem kleinen Rechner zu nutzen.Jools (Blog:Zwo)
Ich versuche gerade die #Fediverse Anwendung #Friendica auf meinem #Raspberry Pi 5 in einem #Podman #Container zu installieren. Aber bei der Datenbank ist Schluss. da bleibt es hängen. Weiß jemand Rat? @Friendica Support zum Beispiel?
version: "3.7"
restart: always
- mydb:/var/lib/mysql
- "6033:3306"
MYSQL_USER: friendica
container_name: phpmyadmin_9092
restart: always
- "9092:80"
- PMA_HOST=mariadb
- mariadb
container_name: friendica_9093
restart: always
- friendica:/var/www/html
- "9093:80"
- MYSQL_USER=friendica
- MYSQL_DATABASE=friendica
- mariadb
Imo, #Friendica will have a better adoption if it will also have a theme that looks like the #Facebook's one.
For those who don't know, you can also change how your interface looks by going to Settings > Display and then the 1st two sections. The problem is that there are generally only two options:
- Frio - which is the default, but some people find it rather dated, and
[li] Vier - which, despite its description, looks kinda more dated than Frio and with less custom color options
This is clearly not ideal when people are looking for a more minimalistic interface, that looks more like the one brought up by platforms like Xitter, Reddit or even current day Facebook.
I found two repositories on GitHub with some Friendica themes (here and here), but they seem way more outdated as well (even though some of them seem cool even today). also has some cool themes that they made, starting from the default Frio one.
Given that themes can be selected by a user from a simple drop-down in the settings, I think having a more Facebook-like theme at hand would really be a boon to Friendica's adoption given these times, what do you think?
#Meta #fediverse #fedi #ideas #fediidea @Facebook Refugees @Replace Facebook Community @Friendica Tips
To begin with I wonder what happens if our sites and profiles display CC-BY-SA-NC as #copyright notice. Any use by #AI scrapers should become illegal and indemnisation inforcable.
Also if you search for #robotsTXT in google, this is what you get.
> Ignoring robots.txt instructions can result in your scraping activities being considered unethical or even illegal.
All this said, being part of a decentralized web, as pointed out in this toot, our publicly visible interaction lands on other instances and servers of the #fediVerse and can be scrapped there. I wonder if this situation actually might lead, or should lead, to a federation of servers that share the same robots.txt "ideals".
As @Matthias pointed out in his short investigation of the AI matter, this has (in my eyes) already unimagined levels of criminal and without any doubt unethical behavior, not to mention the range of options rouge actors have at hand.
It's evident why for example the elongated immediately closed down access to X's public tweets and I guess other companies did the same for the same reasons. Obviously the very first reason was to protect their advantage about the hoarded data sets to train their AI in the first place. Yet, considering the latest behavior of the new owner of #twitter, nothing less than at least the creation of #AI driven lists of "political" enemies, and not only from all the collected data on his platform, is to be expected. A international political nightmare of epical proportions. Enough material for dystopian books and articles for people like @Cory Doctorow, @Mike Masnick ✅, @Eva Wolfangel, @Taylor Lorenz, @Jeff Jarvis, @Elena Matera, @Gustavo Antúnez 🇺🇾🇦🇷, to mention a few of the #journalim community, more than one #podcast episode by @Tim Pritlove and @linuzifer, or some lifetime legal cases for @Max Schrems are at hand.
What we are facing now is the fact that we need to protect our and our users data and privacy because of the advanced capabilities of #LLM. We basically are forced to consider to change to private/restricted posts and close down our servers as not only the legal jurisdictions are way to scattered over the different countries and ICANN details, but legislation and comprehension by the legislators is simply none existent, as @Anke Domscheit-Berg could probably agree to.
Like to say, it looks like we need to go dark, a fact that will drive us even more into disappearing as people will have less chance to see what we are all about, advancing further the advantages off the already established players in the social web space.
Just like Prof. Dr. Peter Kruse stated in his take about on YT The network is challenging us min 2:42 more than 14 years ago:
"With semantic understanding we'll have the real big brother. Someone is getting the best out of it and the rest will suffer."
#fediAdmin #fediVerse #AI #KI
Text for robots.txt to disallow access for known AI crawlers:
User-Agent: GPTBot
User-Agent: ClaudeBot
User-Agent: Claude-Web
User-Agent: CCBot
User-Agent: Applebot-Extended
User-Agent: Facebookbot
User-Agent: Meta-ExternalAgent
User-Agent: diffbot
User-Agent: PerplexityBot
User-Agent: Omgili
User-Agent: Omgilibot
User-Agent: ImagesiftBot
User-Agent: Bytespider
User-Agent: Amazonbot
User-Agent: Youbot
Disallow: /
AI / LLM User-Agents: Blocking Guide
Find out how to block your content from being used for AI/LLM training with robots.txt. Created by ex-Google engineer
I cannot find any documentation for how to install friendica using sqlite driver instead of mysql. I already know how to do the standard installation with mysql but I want to use sqlite instead.
I need help with installing and running via sqlite backend and tips on how to minimize database storage size. Is there any documentation on this? Has anyone done it?
#Friendica #Sqlite #Fediverse
Mastodon Advanced Search Guide and Operators
With version 4.2.0 Mastodon added full text search. People asked for a better guide, so I am trying to create one. If I missed something or there is a mistake, please let me know in the comments. You can write a comment by replying to this post in the Fediverse, simply copy the URL, search for it in your Fediverse-client and reply to it.
Limitations of Mastodon search
Because the Fediverse is distributed, there is no way to search through all posts. You can only search through posts that are known to the instance that you are using. That are posts from accounts on the same instance, the posts reposted by accounts on your instance and posts from accounts that are followed by at least one account of your instance.
While there is the saying that elephants don’t forget anything, Mastodon software is intentionally forgetful.
Finally, you can find only posts that are public and from an account that set their posts to be searchable. The default of the default setting is set for posts to not be searchable. Admins can change the default for the default and users can override it either way.
Exception: You can always search through your own posts, posts that mention you and posts you faved.
Mastodon Search Operators
Post content
wordA wordB By default Mastodon will look for all words that you entered (separated by a space) in any order anywhere in the post.
“wordA wordB” With quotation marks, you will only get results that contain those words in that order without any words between them. They may be separated by multiple spaces, line breaks or even special characters.
from:username shows you posts from the user with the username username. For people from other instances, you have to use the full username. Eg:
from:me yields posts from yourself.
before:2024-04-25 shows posts that were before 25th of April 2024. Without posts posted on 2024-04-25.
after:2024-04-25 shows posts that were posted after 25th of April 2024. With posts posted on 2024-04-25.
during:2024-04-25 shows posts that were posted on 25th of April 2024. Short form for after:2024-04-25 before:2024-04-26
All three operators use your local timezone not UTC like it was on Twitter. I am not aware of an option to narrow search down to hours or minutes.
language:en finds posts in English. language:de German posts. You can use all ISO-639-1 language codes and a few ISO-639-3 ones.
is:reply to only get replies.
is:sensitive to only get posts with a content notice.
has:media for posts with attached images or videos.
has:image for posts with attached images.
has:video for posts with attached videos.
has:link for posts with URLs.
has:poll for posts with polls.
has:embed for posts with embeds. Not previews, actual embeds like a video that you can watch without leaving your client.
in:library Your own posts, posts that mention you and your favs.
in:public Public, searchable posts known to your server.
in:all Combines both options and is the default. You don’t need to use this explicitly.
You can exclude a searchterm -wordA or any of the other operators -is:reply. There is + as well, but because the default behaviour is to combine the operators, you don’t need that.
Source: Testing and Mastodon source code.
Combining operators/filters
You can combine multiple operators to narrow down your results. Mastodon will only show posts that match all operators. I am not aware of an option to search for posts that match either one operator or another one.
is: and has: are treated the same way. As a result you can either search for has:image or is:image and get the same results. In the case of replies, this is misleading. has:reply does not find posts that have replies, but posts that are replies.
#Fediverse #Mastodon
Add retention policy for cached content and media by Gargron · Pull Request #19232 · mastodon/mastodon
Allow setting a retention policy for cached content or media. Content (statuses) or media (media attachments and preview cards) that are older than the retention period will be automatically remove...GitHub
Fediverse users: Follow to allow #Bluesky users to find and follow you.
Bluesky users: Follow to allow #Fediverse users to find and follow you.
#BlueSky #Friendica
[strong]Fehlerhafte Beiträge von Peertube Beiträgen?[/strong]
Soll das eigentlich so sein das Peertube Beiträge so dargestellt werden?
Das Video ist ja einwandfrei. Aber die Darstellung der Links darunter ist doch ein wenig sinnfrei.
#Friendica #Frage #Beiträge #Peertube #Fediverse #Darstellung !Friendica Support
[strong]Fehlerhafte Beiträge von Peertube Beiträgen?[/strong]
Soll das eigentlich so sein das Peertube Beiträge so dargestellt werden?
Das Video ist ja einwandfrei. Aber die Darstellung der Links (die zu einen anderen Video führen) darunter ist doch ein wenig sinnfrei.
#Friendica #Frage #Beiträge #Peertube #Fediverse #Darstellung !Friendica Support
The article is now also available in English...
You must first install the ‘Guest Access’ app and add it to the app menu. This is easy and is explained here:[footer]---
Sent by a #Hubzilla instance to the #Fediverse[/footer]
[strong]Frage: Warum braucht Friendica so viel länger einen Account über den Slug als über die Account URL zu suchen?[/strong]
Wenn ich in Friendica einen Fediverse Account z. B. über suche ist er fast sofort da. Suche ich ihn aber über den Slug
dann dauert es bisweilen ewig oder er findet gar nichts, selbst dann wenn der Account in meinen Kontakten ist. Wenn das mit der Suche nach dem Slug so schwierig ist, wäre es doch einfacher ihn vor der Suche intern in die entsprechende URL umzuwandeln damit es flott geht. Oder?#Friendica #Suche #Fediverse #Accounts #Geschwindigkeit #2024-10-05 !Friendica Support
Before you upload a large amount of image material to the instance, you should check with the admin whether this is ok.
With Friendica you can restrict access to the images... i.e. also to a certain group of people (the tour participants). This also makes it impossible for them to share the pictures directly with others.
However, as far as I know, uploading by others is not possible.
Even if this is the Friendica support forum... Hubzilla allows you to do exactly what you want. There you can create a non-public private community forum as a channel and allow members (who you allow to join) to upload. Sharing outside the forum is not possible there either.[footer]---
Sent by a #Hubzilla instance to the #Fediverse[/footer]
Ich möchte gerne einige meiner #Kontakte auf das #Fediverse aufmerksam machen - Kontakte, die das Fediverse wohl (noch) nicht kennen dürften. Kann mir jemand eine Art deutschsprachige #Einführung empfehlen?
[strong]Frage | Friendica: Warum braucht das so lange ein Profil zu öffnen?[/strong]
Wenn ich versuche direkt über einen Profillink ein Profil zu öffnen dauert das ewig:
Wenn ich eine Erwähnung wie z. B. in dem Fall @Nike Leonhard anklicke geht es recht flott, aber eben nur weil das Profil nicht inlay, sondern direkt auf dem betreffenden Server geöffnet wird.
Und wenn ich dann auf die Idee komme die URL dieses Profils, hier z. B. in die Suche einzugeben, habe ich das Profil innerhalb von zwei, drei Sekunden inlay vor mir.
Suche ich btw. direkt nach dem Profil, kann es sein das es gar nicht gefunden wird.
Woher kommt da der doch riesige zeitliche Unterschied?
#Frage #Friendica #Profile #Fediverse #2024-07-14 !Friendica Support
Fediverse | Probleme bei der Federation
Es gibt im Fediverse einige Newsbots deren 'Anrisse' bei mir scheinbar ohne Link zum Orginalbeitrag sind. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel diesen Beitrag. Bei mir (Friendica) sieht er so aus:
Sprich es gibt nur einen kurzen Textanriss und ansonsten gar nichts. Gehe ich dann auf den Orginalbeitrag (ebenfalls Friendica), so sieht es so aus:
Nun stellt sich die Frage wo unterwegs das Bild als auch der Link auf der Strecke geblieben sind. Liegt es daran das ich die Vorschau für Links deaktiviert habe? Wenn ja, dann müsste ja doch trotzdem irgendwo der entsprechende Link im Beitrag sein, oder sehe ich das falsch?
Achso, der Vollständigkeit halber findet man hier auch noch die verlinkte Seite bei DW.
#Frage #Fediverse #Friendica #News #LInks #Sascha #2024-03-24 @Friendica Support
Etwas vom Dümmsten, was ich schon gelesen habe: Leider kann ich deinen Post nicht weiter teilen, da kein Alt-Text enthalten ist. Als ob ich an einer Weiterverbreitung interessiert wäre. Tsss. 🙄
@Sascha 😎 🏴
#Friendica ist Micro- und Macroblogging
#Pixelfed ist fürs Teilen von Bildern.
Dea ist eben das #Fediverse. Es gibt nicht die ein und alle Plattform für ein und alles. Sondern es gibt verschiedene Dienste - sie sind alle über #ActivityPub verbunden.
@cantences @tux @helpers
Frage | Friendica: Fehlende Bezüge
Ich hatte eben unten stehenden Austausch und frage mich da natürlich ob mir irgendwelche Informationen fehlen bzw. ob es bei Mastodon Bezüge gibt die ich so nicht sehe.
Wäre schon interessant zu erfahren ob man da mit Mastdon mehr sieht.
Tags: #Frage #Friendica #Mastodon #Bezüge #Fediverse #Sascha #2024-01-12 !Friendica Support
Frage | Friendica: Was tun in Sachen Bildbeschreibung bei etwas umfangreicheren Bildergalerien?
Ich hatte schon ein paar Mal das Problem das ich bei Beiträgen mit umfangreicheren Bildermaterial (z. B. gerade 18 Bilder) in Sachen Bildbeschreibung an meine Grenzen gestoßen bin. Ich habe das beim letzten Mal so gelöst, dass ich die Bilderfolge im Text beschrieben und in der Bildbeschreibung auf diese Beschreibung verwiesen habe.
Habt Ihr eine Idee wie man das besser hin bekommt. Den das alles jedes mal ausführlich in der Bildbescherung und im Text zu beschreiben ist ziemlich nervig. Genauso wie es nervig ist einen Syntaxfehler in den Bildern zu finden wenn man was falsch gemacht oder übersehen hat.
Tags: #Frage #Hilfe #Fediverse #Bildbeschreibung #Galerie #Friendica #Sascha #2024-01-01 !Friendica Support
So user of server A reports users of server B to me on server C?
Maybe A=B, but what can I do about that?
#Fediverse #Morderator #Friendica !Friendica Support
When you create post, that waits for federating to servers and edit it before it reaches #Mastodon server (not sure if it happens to other #Fediverse instances too), then the post never reaches target instance (or target instance rejects it?)
Is it just me, or it's some kind of bug (or expected behavior)?
!Friendica Support
I wanted to run the OCR #bot on my own #Friendica server, because I like to run on my own tech too.
So I asked Chatty to guide me and it worked well, I logged in with the Python bot and wanted to start it and got an API error, it was only then when I told ChatGPT that I am actually trying this with Frienidca and that the API might have its limits.
I then looked up the API documentation of the Mastodon API that Friendica implemented and asked ChatGPT if there is any essential parts missing that are needed to run the bot.
ChatGPT 'read' the documentation of both, the bot and the Mastodon API of Friendica and explained:
"Since Friendica doesn't support the Mastodon streaming API, the OCRbot, which relies on these endpoints, may not be compatible with Friendica without significant modifications to either the bot or the Friendica server."
Just wanted to write a bit about this experience with Friendica, the bot and ChatGPT.
Maybe I will setup a #Pleroma instance for this, a single user instance for me and the bot, maybe better a Mastodon instance?
cc !Friendica Support
Can't publish public when mentioning forum pages
Hi there,
not sure if this is a bug or just that I'm missing some idea/rule functionality.
Platform Info: 2023.05 - stable | VIER | firefox
Friendica Version: 2023.05 - stableTheme: VIER
Browser: firefox
Friendica Source: gitHub
PHP version: 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14
SQL version: MySQL / MariaDB
memory_limit 256M
4 Core CPU, 8 GB Ram with 300GB NVME Disk
I didn't have a look at gitHub
Short bug description:
When I try to publish publicly a post addressing two forum pages of this server, gimped and tutorial (tutorial is an account created with this profile), I get a restricted post and I don't understand why.Details of the buggy behavior:
I publish the post as public but it gets displayed as private, only visible for the forum page gimped that actually figures twice in the information card of the lock icon.Also, I can't pin the post to my profile.
See image gif in screenshots spoiler
¿Possible to reproduce, if so how:
This is the code of the post, it happens every time I try:(somehow friendica alters the tags in this code)
#newHere #neuHier #hola
[img=]Gif scene of the movie "The Martian".
The lonely main actor is sitting on a stone on the inhabited planet he was left on alone.
A text reads:
"First day in the diaspora of the fediVerse .."
The astronaut is depicted how he opens the solar panels of his equipment, presses a big button on it and the hashtags #hola, #neuHier and #newHere appear.
In the last scene he sits again on his stone and the text: ".. wait .." is displayed.
In the first scene that reads the text about the first day in the fediVerse the probably oldest logo of the fediVerse is displayed at the bottom left of the scene. At the horizon on the right the actual logo of the the fediVerse rises behind the landscape.
In the last scene, while our hero is awaiting the outcome of his intent to make contact with the outside world, the old Federated Social Web logo appears in front of the sun.[/img]
#[url=]fediVerse[/url] #[url=]fediHelp[/url] #[url=]fediTips[/url] #[url=]gimp[/url] #[url=]gimped[/url]
@ @[url=]Tutorial[/url]
Expected result:
¿what should be the correct behavior?¿what did you expect?
Being posted public, shared by the forum pages publicly and being able to pin it to my profile.
Fediverse | Wann ist ein Beitrag zu lang?
Wegen Beiträgen wie diesen wurde ich von mehreren Menschen die Mastodon benutzen und davon das sie in ihren Stream recht lange scrollen mussten um durch den Beitrag durchzukommen gefragt ob ich Mastodon Content Warnings nutzen kann. Ja kann ich, aber das sieht dann für andere Friendica User aus. Den selbst wenn ich in die Content Warnung die Überschrift des Beitrags hinein schreibe ist das doch recht unauffällig und nichtssagend.
Deshalb stellt sich für mich die Frage was zu lang ist. Und ob es evtl. eine Möglichkeit gibt mit so etwas wie einen Anriss im Blog zu arbeiten. Den das dürfe sowohl für User von Macroblogging Plattformen als auch für User von Microblogging Plattformen die beste Lösung sein.
#Fediverse #Beiträge #Beitragslänge #Macroblogging #Microblogging #Anriss #Conent-Warning #Gedanken #2023-11-12 @Friendica Support
Frage | Fediverse: Von fremden Instanzen ausgebremst
Immer wenn ich eine Benachrichtung zu diesen Beitrag samt Kommentardiskussion bekomme, dauert es ewig bis ich etwas machen kann, da etwas vom Server auf geladen wird. Soll das so?
#Frage #Fediverse #Performance #Fremdserver #2023-11-12 @Friendica Support